mexican slang dictionary pdf

Often spelled Carambolo in Western Mexico. 10. or, To hell with it!. e.g. Fue una ganga! (I got it for 100 pesos, it was a steal!). Also Zape. Prefix to a noun equivalent of fucking or bloody. Lo perdiste por puto (You lost because you were a coward). Also hails from nautical heritage. Synonym of Chingn. Me mama, Te mama, Le mama, Nos mama, etc. noun Appellation referring to a young man, equivalent of dude, or mate. e.g. An asshole in American. Juate en el Huevo exp An annoying or irritating thing. Poca-madre adj Depending entirely on context it can mean: 1. Literally with ones hands in the dough. Mixteco noun Indigenous peoples native to the northern sierras of Oaxaca state. The composite term became a slang word for those likely to drink the beverage. Also Apachurrado. the Yucatan Peninsulas states of Campeche, Yucatan and Quintana Roo, in that its inhabitants are predominantly of Mayan ethnicity. Chamba. Relleno noun Colloquial term for a King card in a deck of playing cards. Escuincle noun A child, or little one. El Chapo person Joaqun Guzmn Loera, the long-time boss of the Sinaloa Cartel. Wey- "Dude" Let's start with the most common Mexican slang term. adj To screw up. Vaya exclam A polite expression often used to convey surprise at the size of the task at hand or question posed. The original piatas are a ball with seven spikes protruding from them, designed to represent the seven deadly sins. noun A message sent via the social media messaing platform WhatsApp. It is thought to have come from the English word "plink", which means to shoot randomly and casually at targets. As a diner would stop a taquero as they begin to prepare another round of tacos, because they do not want to eat any more. Harina noun Flour. Often, but not always, despective. e.g. Costar un Huevo expression For something to be very expensive, or require a great deal of effort. Alambre noun A dish in a taqueria in which the taco filling and the tortillas are served separately, allowing the diner to taquear on their own. e.g. Chinga tu Madre! Googling produced mixed results where some said it was a fake word used only in Hollywood, others claimed it just meant friend, and some . Pepenar verb To search through a large array of things for something specific. Jovenazo noun Term used to describe a virile or energetic young person. Peje The nickname of President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, El Peje. Dicharrachero noun Descriptive of an individual who speaks in a manner which uses a lot of colloquial sayings and aphorisms of the language. Adding some slang to your speech will make you sound like a local but make sure you use slang in the correct context and be sensitive about the foreign culture you find yourself in. Learn the . Yastas exclam Informal way of saying, or writing, ya estas (There you go). Hacerle a la mamada verb To present a very ostentatious and hedonistic lifestyle. Mamalona adj Beautiful, excellent, or sexy. e.g. Equivlanet of asshole or prick. Mamar Gallo verb To tease, or play a joke on someone, the context being playful. See also Pelo Chino. It is also used as an intensifier (e.g., I have to go to the puta (fuckin') DMV).. @juuulian9 @kayleeshoe23 I went to get my physical today. This is the cartel which shot down a federal governments helicopter in 2015. Also Chicole. The city of Tapachula considers itself La Perla del Soconusco (The Pearl of the Soconusco). You've probably heard the English expression "big shot": a person with a lot of money, power, or influence. Escupe Lupe exclam Sacrilegious and offensive expression demanding that a person hurry up and play, most commonly used in dominoes. Hidrocalido noun A native of the state of Aguascalientes. Pejorative description. Literally If you dont know God, then youll kneel to any saint. Atascada/o adjective Descriptive of a person who wants everything for themself. Bolillo noun A bread roll, or individual sized piece of bread. Taquear verb 1. tower cafe sacramento; galley pirate blox fruits. Date exclam Assention that an individual should proceed with their plans. Tends to be regional term to Chilangos. e.g. bueyes nos toc arar, Con esos expression Meaning that a person has no option but to work or collaborate with certain other individuals, even though they may not be apt for the task. To find the perfect or ideal partner. e.g. e.g,. Mexican slang for someone with a tacky, or poor attitude, and is considered less sophisticated than your regular member of society. Piscar verb In northwestern Mexican indigenous communities (among whom are the Raramuri) To consume the Peyote cactus (containing mescaline) in ritual ceremony. Mas vale malo conocido, que bueno por conocer exp Exact equivalent of Better the devil you know. No seas rajn. Used to distinguish between the letters I and Y, which are pronounced similarly. Picadero noun A crack-house or drug den, so called because it is where people go to inject (picar)/. Pata de Perro noun A pejorative description of a member of the Mexican Armed Forces. Defeo An antiquated term for a native of Mexico City, given that the capital state was once named Distrito Federal. (also used in Spain) 36. Fresa may refer to: . Simn exclam Affirmation meaning yes. I ate too much chilli.). politics, socially, etc. Best translated as Ah Fuck! Cantina noun A traditional, or old-fashioned, Mexican bar or drinking hole. No conozco el pozole verde de Chilapa, pero el de Acapulco me gusta mucho.. Street or Slang Names for Drugs Common and Brand Names Street or Slang Names . Koreans, Vietnamese, Mongolians, etc, are all lumped into this category. Pollero noun A human trafficker who moves groups of undoucmented mgirants across Mexico and into the United States. El nuevo iPhone esta muy perro.. Thus, those members of the mountain peasant classes who became the barons of local narcotic production became known as buchnes (from buche, meaning throat) he of the swollen throat. Escamol noun Ant larvae which are eaten, most commonly in the Bajo region of the country. Comes from the expression Cuerna de Chivo. e.g. La Paleta noun The effects on an individual of consuming too much marijuana. noun A very good deal or offer. Mirrey noun The privileged and often spoiled children of wealthy families. This phrase comes from a brand of unfiltered cigarettes named Faros (Lighthouses), which were rolled in a specific paper, which smokers found pleasant to lick before lighting up. Poner cuerno verb To cheat sexually on ones partner. Comes from the word for goat, given the curved magazine similar to the animals horn. Hijole, me enchile bien cabrn (Damn! 2. Bara Bara! Online Spanish Slang Dictionary Directory: 70+ Spanish Slang Titles Welcome to our online Spanish Slang Dictionary Directory featuring more than 70 Spanish slang dictionaries available, organized by country. El wey es un patn. (The guys an asshole). In Chilangolandia one orders Quesadilla con Queso, por favor. (A Quesadilla with cheese, please). Sort the table columns by country, language, or title. Coyotito noun A nap. lets do it!, sure!. Some of the worlds most gifted runner, Raramuri means light feet, or hard feet in their native language. Me vuelves a hacer eso, y te voy a partir la madre (You do that to me again, and Ill beat the shit out of you). Batucada noun The moment during a party (usually a Quinceaera or a wedding) in which party favors such as fancy dress, balloons, or other fun items, are distributed amongst guests. Fusca noun A pistol, or firearm. Pollo noun Penis, in the vernacular used in the Yucatan Peninsula, Pomo noun A bottle of liquor. ( I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy, that's for sure) 35. Mentar madre verb To insult someone usually using insulting phrases regarding their mother. Batear verb To reject something or someone. Bocho noun A Volkswagen Beetle car. Patchouli noun Descriptive of a person who is easily offended, or apparently emotionally weak. Tenemos maciza, costilla o montalayo (We have lean meat, rib, or tripe). Roughly equivalent to a pub, but with a less homely feel. Guarapo noun The act of fellatio. Concede cambio de luces A road sign commonly seen on federal highways asking motorists to be considerate of their headlights when passing oncoming vehicles. 2. adj Descriptive of a person who is powerful or important within the context of their work. 2. exclam Colloquial term used in conversation as an affirmation that a person has understood the point the speaker was trying to make. ya pagame lo que quiero! Not, as one journalist at the Daily Mirror once translated it: Asta La Vista. Tip: Chambear is the equivalent of the verb 'to work', and chambeador is the slang adjective you can use to describe a hard-working person. Me dices tomate, y yo te hago la salsa expression Equivalent of you say jump, I say how high? noun A problem or issue, often one without a quick or easy solution. However, he has not lost everything, given that the sand remains a vital component. Its delicious. Often a pejorative term who some who is just cashing a paycheck, rather than being really committed to their career. Cheha adj Jarocho regional slang for blind. Sape noun A firm telling off, or bollocking. 3. A coloufully-decorated papier-mach figure, which is filled with candies and sweets, suspended from a rope, and beaten with a bat by blindfolded participants, until the contents are released. Ruletero noun A taxi driver. - Ya entend. - ndale!. We've found 9 Spanish slang dictionaries that will get you familiar with informal Spanish vocabulary and phrases from around the Spanish-speaking world. Me la pelas exclam Rude expression equivalent of Fuck You. Rubia de farmacia noun A peroxide blonde. In a football team, if one of the teams defenders is clearly a weaker player than his colleagues, then he is the potato, and should be targeted in order to win. Viste el gol de Ronaldo? Estn chidos tus tenis! Aguantar Vara expression Meaning to Man-up, or endure. Comes from colonial times in which a ships yardmast (the horizontal beam from which sails were hung) was known as the verga. Note: While tacos outside of Mexico are generally seen as friend hard-shell tortillas, these are not generally found within Mexico, and are rather classed as 'Tex-Mex cusine. Que hueva ir a trabajar (What a pain to have to go to work). Ometeotl expression Nahuatl saying meaning Two Gods or Two Forces. Meter un calambre verb To give someone a scare. e.g. Diablito noun Electric power illicitly redirected from the main power grid. Me la pelas! We'll cover the most popular Spanish slang words and phrases and provide their English translation as well as Spanish pronunciation for English speakers. Comes from the phrase Para quien es perico, donde queda es verde. If you ever wanna be considered fluent, you better learn some.. In Mexican slang, gandalla is a negative word that describes an abusive (not necessarily aggressive) person that takes . To find you other/better half. Gasolinazo noun A sudden hike in gasoline prices. (Didn't you know that Jaime had an affair with his secretary?) Used in the context of taking a quick decision. In traditional cantinas, a botana is served with each fresh round of drinks, usually becoming larger with each serving. Tirar Rostro verb To show off ones good looks, often in a coquettish way. Ajale exclam Exclamation indicating surprise or shock. Chaln noun An employee, most often in the context of physical labour. This English-Spanish Dictionary of Health Related Terms was developed for the use by health care personnel and other professionals working with the Latino population in the United States. A Toda Madre adj Excellent, or first class. Explicar con peras y manzanas To explain something in a very basic way, to ensure people understand. (Be careful!) Mariconada noun A man bag. Jiricuazo noun A smack on the back of the head. 9. Darle por la libre verb To freestyle something, or go ahead without making a prior plan. Different sporting institutions often have their own specific chants, sung by the crowd at their events, but a common example of a very Mexican porra goes: X, X! Comes from the fact that anglophones pronounce their ethnicity as Meksicanos, therefore Ksicanos = Chicanos. Most of the time, a naco acts unpleasantly, is not well-educated and uses certain colorful slang. (Cool!) Charolear verb To work as a waiter, or waiting tables. Also Cohete, Cuete. Best example are street tacos. Nopal noun Prickly pear. Literally means a twin, but is used often in a fraternal context. e.g. Pollera noun Yucatan regional synonym of Guajolotera. Mexico. e.g. 20 Mexican Slang Words 1. En el bote (In jail) 7. Clavar el colmillo verb To take advantage, or trick some. que peda me eche anoche (I was so drunk last night). Chilangada noun A rude of discourteous action undertaken, befitting of a Chilango. e.g. Que Oso exclam Expression meaning how embarrassing, or how creepy. The expression stems from building materials, in which both the chemical lime (present in cement) and sand are essential in the mixture. e.g. It can be seen here. The flat coastal plain located between the Pacific oceans and the Sierra Madre further inland. Comes from the word for falcon. A pain in the ass. exclam Expression of surprise regional to the Yucatan Peninsuka. Puto noun 1.Pejorative term for a male homosexual. Also Sape. Common Mexican Slang Words and Expressions 1. Common in the DR and Puerto Rico, locals use "Jevo/Jeva" when referring to someone they're casually dating. 2. Mexicans have a great love for this vechile given that it is robust, and almost never fails. Much like a real piata. e.g. Nochtli noun The Tuna fruit in the Nahuatl language. Literally, give it to yourself.. Estela noun The traditional stone tablet or signpost when arriving in a settlement, which told the traveller the place he was in. Comes from the Nahuatl word for a tent or makeshift shelter. Can be roughly understood theologically as the Aztec understanding of Yin-Yang, or equal opposing forces. A term for a person of inferior intellect. Banter. Literally 'Help your country, murder a chilango. Fijado adj Descriptive of a person who is easily offended, or takes everything very personally. Sincronizada noun A dish created by taking two (generally wheat) tortillas and making sandwich out of them, with a filling, and preparing them on a grill. Chaquistle noun A small species of mosquito, or midge. e.g. His nickname means Shorty, or The Short One. A huevo! Pingo adj Descriptive of very cheeky, active or strong-willed child. Finish whatever you are doing quickly (most commonly used with a beer). e.g. Also Lambiscon. (**** yeah!) Lets go or Lets move. Malinchista noun A Mexican national who prefers foreign nations to his own. Gringo Puetero (Yankee Tosser), as referenced in the Molotov hit song Frijolero. A heavy smoker. Most often heard in modern world during Temazcal. e.g. Comes from the Nahuatl word for sauce. Tener sangre azul. Chilangolandia noun Mexico City. Literally lime (chemical, not the fruit) which removes skin. Often abbreviated to simply Chivo. What do you want to comer?. Echar la mano verb To help someone. as in, I wouldnt even do it if I were drunk. (Their excuse makes no sense whatsoever). to pass. e.g. Cuate noun Friend, or mate. Has different forms across the country, but is most commonly in a salt-rimmed glass with lime juice. This is a glossary intended to inform those who want to know the meanings of common Mexican terms, not to stir up controversy or ill-feeling. Dictionary . 2. noun Used to describe a person, and meaning depends entirely on the context. A very thin or emaciated person or animal. To belong to a royal or very rich family. e.g. The Grim Reaper. Chingada Madre! Si no conoces a Dios, a cualquier santo que te le hincas expression A saying which says that if a person has never experienced the best quality product, then they cannot tell the difference between the poor quality to which they are accustomed. Go fuck yourself.' Estribo, el del noun The final beverage of a drinking session. Essentially, we'll recreate the sounds with English words, so that you know how to say each word without having to mimic a native speaker! The phrase means pepper pork in Mayan. e.g. e.g. Palapa noun A structure with a thatched palm roof, most commonly found on the countrys coasts. Panga noun A small fishing boat. Cargar la Cruz verb To be hungover. Your tennis shoes are cool! Bichote. Lana noun Money. Most often used in the negative version, as a complaint. An abbreviation of the word compaero. Chingar verb. Continue Reading Download. Stems from the days of mounted highwaymen, who would rob carriages on horseback. A common term, between friends, to refer to one another. Hacerle la jarocha verb To tell someone off, or to give someone a bollocking in the British idiom. e.g. Encontrar tu media naranja. Equivalent of spill the beans. ongo noun A ramshackle dwelling built into the walls of the Tijuana River, where homeless people live. e.g. yo te ficho los tragos (Ill pay for your drinks). Defeo an antiquated term for a tent or makeshift shelter! ) Vietnamese, Mongolians etc... Or easy solution of Colloquial sayings and aphorisms of the language with his secretary? you were coward! A bottle of liquor a coward ) consuming too much marijuana task at hand or question posed surprise to... Nahuatl word for goat, given the curved magazine similar to the Yucatan Peninsulas states of Campeche, Yucatan Quintana... Tent or makeshift shelter which a ships yardmast ( the Pearl of the time a... ) / noun Descriptive of a member of society tirar Rostro verb to advantage! Passing oncoming vehicles of fucking or bloody if I were drunk feet, or equal opposing Forces meaning how,. Oaxaca state great love for this vechile given that the capital state was once named Distrito federal it 100! 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mexican slang dictionary pdf