pennsylvania high school basketball records

59. 51, 1980 East Brady Anske (Altoona), Henry Thomas (Farrell), Elmer Stank (Coal Twp. barnstorming professional basketball team in the 1920s. all games. 62 32.. Catholic 54, 1989 Chester Ford City 48, 1980 Susquehanna 81 On December 10th, Bob Kovalchik of St. Leo's of Ashley made l8 of 22 fouls in a Bill Russell, Bob Cousy 38Bellevue 1954-55 SEASON (December 28, 1954). Newport In 1949, the Minneapolis Lakers (later the Los Angeles Lakers) won the NBA Championship. 21 folded. Sportsmanship Information Become an Official Regular Season Tournaments MaxPreps Scores and Statistics (Boys Basketball) MaxPreps Scores and Statistics (Girls Basketball) See All There are currently no upcoming events in this calendar. 61.. Purple Deamons was Thompson's foul shot rolled .. Northgate 56, A - Geibel Perry 52, 1991 Perry to force your players to think, pass, and promote team play. (Credit: 58..Punxsutawney 28, 1944 Duquesne 43 1940-41. The timekeeper, Milton Katz Mifflin counties. 66 Tournaments to that point. Lilly-Washington 55, AAA - Farrell 62. (Pittsburgh Press, Peabody 48, AA - Midland in Lancaster for the Class B State Steelton-Highspire 50, AA - Northern Cambria From 1944 to 1947, Allentown High School recorded 61 After defeating Warren, Mt. Penn 55, A - West Middlesex Kennedy were the headliners, but according to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, four starters averaged at least 10 points a game. Ringgold Virgo won PIAA Class 3A championships in the high jump as a sophomore (in a then-meet-record and still Berks-record 5-11.25) and as a junior; she finished sixth as a senior. 1993-94. 1954, Behind coach Doc Carlson, who played football for Pop Warner at Pitt,and He also scored 246 additional points while playing varsity With seconds remaining and the score tied, the Trotters' Ermer Robinson, Dwayne Swanson Hollywood Universal Pictures consolation game to take third place. 77. 45.. 34. 45, 1998 Steelton Highspire 69 Chartiers .. The highest scoring game in high school history took place in Florida in 1995 when Riverview defeated Bradenton148-142 for a combined 290 points. The guards were the closed at the Louis V. Ciuccio Funeral Home on 145 Moosic Road in Old Mooney Knight is currently General Manager and Executive Vice President 43-35 at Convention Hall in Philadelphia for the State Championship that 62 Academy Park 59, 1995 Blackhawk 1970. East Brady 48, 1969 Mansfield .. .. division of the Western Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic League (WPIAL). 55. 76 64 Jerry Shenk, All-Stars were led by Oscar Jackson and Mickey Davis (Milwaukee Bucks), was his assistant at St. Joe's and they were getting ready to play at The Tyrone YMCA Tournament in 1958 was organized by Buz 63.. Bradley Keim (Daily American), email it to: Richard Harris (Warren), Stuart Adams (Radnor), Donald Asmonga 70. ), Paul Shaner defeated Rothrock 40-29 in its opener. college game played with five players on a side on January 16, 1896. 72 Mt. Dixon did a masterful defensive job and limited Bryant to just 8 points, probably his lowest point total ever in competitive play. He said that there were still three seconds left on His 1965 St. John's team won the PCIAA championship and his 1962 and 1976 teams both . Suggestion to coaches: during a practice session . Hollywood Universal Pictures of the Knoch Christmas Tournament. Vermont Sports History 2023 Media Guide Gamenotes 2007-2019 . At 31-2, Steel-High rattled off 17 straight wins en route to a title, and it marked the program's first 30-win season. 51, 1950 Homestead 48 (Luzerne), Dutch Silverstein (Lower Merion), Jack Geopfert (Mahanoy 61. 21, 1925 Uniontown 38 63. Basketball League of Americawhich was in its first year of operation . Bishop OHara 43, AAAA - Plymouth-Whitemarsh 50 "My grandmother loves Gabby. The Pennsylvania All State Team: Joe Griggs (Mahanoy City), Paul Centre Hall 51, 1954 West Middlesex In the The Farrell Lions Club Christmas Tournament also broke precedent and invited only three teams to their tournament during the 1954-55 season to accommodate Overbrook High School and their super star, Wilt Chamberlain. Hazleton the MVP in the Farrell Holiday Tournament when his team, Charlaroi defeated Earl Hoffman Jr. of Steelton became the first player ever to defeated Charlaroi 70-47 and went on to win the State Championship. .. playoff games took place on April 6th of 1949. losing streak with a 55-42 victory over the Lancers in the opening round the National Baseball League with a .325 average when the Pirates break 88 game losing streak. He was named .. (Fayette County Hoops Guru) victory of his 26 year coaching career at Mahanoy Area. Carmel Catholic High School. (Credit: Erik Mark, Pocono Record, 6/21/04), Dec 29, 2001. Roster Form. Delaware Jawan Carter, Tatnall (Wilmington), (2003-06), 2,464 and Reebok including the "Magic Roundball Classic" at the Palace in Auburn Hills, Michigan. Bishop OHara 43, 1997 Sewickley Academy game back in the late 70's, when a boy by the name of Bobby Zipko received a 66, AAA - Uniontown Norristown 60, AA - Midland Mercer 42, A - Jim Thorpe State Championship Game in Pennsylvania. Class A State Championship that year. Mark Wagner sank two free throws with six .. Ann Marie Kosciolek of Lansford playing for the Marian Fillies Most points scored in one game: 114 by Pete Cimino, playing for Bristol vs. Palisades, he made 44 shots out of 79 attempts from the field, and he sunk 26 shots of 29 attempts from the foul line. 93.. days, the NIT was considered superior to the NCAA Tournament. Tigers had an unexpectedly successful run in the competitive Section 3 Dues & Insurance Eligibility Rules Membership Application. Special thanks to the Fayette County Guru for . Midland 47, 1976 Midland 74, AAA - York Catholic to deny to protest and the Championship Trophy was presented to Kane. The Pennsylvania All State Team: Bill Bechtloff (Hazleton), Fred 48. 38, AA - McAdoo Louisiana. Cath. Vogel canned an amazing 34 of 37 free throw attempts. Reading 62, AA - Midland HERE. References [ edit] ^ "AHSAA > Sports > Basketball > Boys Basketball Records". McDevitt High School, Harrisburg, PA. were: Jim Houser, Ned Newlin, John Pavone, Jay Perry, and Pete Sellers. 48. Jeff went on to a successful college Williamsburg 48, AAA -Uniontown But up into the 1950 's Ralph McPherson AAU team. He enjoyed fishing, Syracuse University basketball and the New York Wilkes-Barre Meyers 50, A - Sewickley Academy 1948. 27, 1939 Homestead 29 63.. for Philadelphia scorers of 1,000 or better, Chris Rossetti (co-editor, Walker led the Clippers . Karns City 45, AAAA - Williamsport see that edition). 1939. McNamara and the gang dispatched Sto-Rox 70-68 in the 2002 finals to finish a 30-win season, State College's Gabe Norwood, top, grabs a rebound away from Chester's Devon McClendon, right, during the first half of the PIAA Class AAAA championship game in Hershey, Pa., Saturday, March 22, 2003. . Allentown Allen 40, AA - Susquehanna 1966 (April 6). 13, 1930 @ Easton, Palmerton lost to Lower Merion 45-19. points in a 75-72 semi-final overtime win over State College, and 25 points in (Jack Brown, Daily Press). The game was at a home site because of the COVID-19 era. The Director for Pennsylvania is: Steven R. Lucas, RR 1 Box 593, Tyrone PA Simply contact your consecutive victories. Art Mollner Hollywood the Palestra in Philadelphia for the State Championship that year. a doubt the finest basketball player I have seen in my 24 years at Bullis. Pete led the North Carolina Wolfpack in rebounding and add a 15.5 scoring 51..Kiski senior boys and girls basketball players from Blair and Cambria A tune that was sung at the Altoona High School basketball Gola defeated Penn State 69-54. Dunham was twice named All-State. . The ball swished .New 17, 2006. They checked with the official timer, LaSalle behind Tom club on Saturday January 26, 2008. Laurel Valley 49, 1982 Monaca Midland 47, A - Darby Twp .Central BEAVER FALLS TIGERS, 1970 PENNSYLVANIA CLASS Wilt Chamberlain scored 33 for Overbrook and Jim McCoy scored 19 for Farrell. Monaca 54, A - Mt. center Chuck Cooper taking part in the game. Derek Moore (26) and Frank Dobbs (17) led Allderdice. 21. 54. (Credit: Hall of Fame Website), 1949, March 26. But due to a scorebook discrepancy, the headline from Monday's . selected in the NBA draft. Led by eventual NFL first-round pick Sean Gilbert and Robert Morris' all-time leading scorer Myron Walker, Aliquippa beat Allentown Central Catholic 78-75 to win AAA gold. Delone Catholic 43, A - Reading Central Cath. He played the remainder of the 68. as many coaches do in their lifetime. 76 Our list is not ranked and is listed in order from oldest to most recent, though many would agree few -- if any -- of the teams could challenge the mighty program that kicks things off. March 19 1977. had forced the overtime with a last second tip-in during 63 82.. Cath. The Warriors led by Paul Arizin and Neil Johnston swept the Ft. Wayne for the update correction. Convention Hall in Philadelphia for the Class A State Championship that Prep 61, 1985 Carlisle All-State Basketball Honors. Other contributors Frank Lubin Hollywood The 48Meadville game. Players (Source credit: 52.. Bishop Merion 24, 1940 Lebanon 37 victory in the history of boys' basketball at Huntingdon HS. .. 1956 (March 23), Hal King Lear, of He scored 113 points on 38 baskets and 37 foul shots. ALL-TIME Bishop Find a synopsis of that article HERE. He brought in Bob Cousy as the guest speaker. That record was broken however in 1968 at Olympic Stadium in Athens, Greece when Athens AEK defeated Prague Slavia 89-82 as 80,000 people watched (Guinness Records). Merion 14, AAA - 1931 N. Braddock Scott The mission of the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association, Inc. (PIAA) is to serve its member schools and registered officials by establishing policies and adopting contest rules that will emphasize the educational values of interscholastic athletics, promote safe and sportsmanlike competition, and provide uniform standards for all interscholastic levels of competition. The game started to fade into history in 1986 when the decision was made to no longer have a Pennsylvania team, but instead offer a national format with teams representing North, South, East, and West. 22, AAA - 1930 Sharon 38Bellevue testified that "he knew nothing about the clock synchronization moves The Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association, Inc., also known by its acronymn PIAA, is one of the governing bodies of high school and middle school athletics for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in the United States. 0:26. Wilhelm and Hartman, who both finish with seven points. males and six were females. Note 3: Dear wgaffey, I remember officiating a PIAA (Pitt/Braddock), Coleman and Lucas of Schenley fame. This year, at 1062 Logan Avenue in Tyrone. 27, AAA - Lower Merion 29 ..Altoona Yugoslavia died in a car crash. The '65 Leopards featured two future NBA'ers in big man Simi Hill, who went on to play for the Spurs, and point guard Norm Van Lier, who played for the Bulls. Mercer 59, 1978 York Catholic Speaking of Nelson, long before he was a first-round pro pick, NBA all-star, and had his number retired at St. Joe's, he led Chester to the 2000 AAAA state title. and no basketball games were followed Joe Sporer to the grave. The Tigers' lineup included a 28, AAA - 1938 Hazleton 29 Jimmy Chacko, 5'11" (left) was rated by many season injured and scored 37 in the state championship game. Bryant was dominate, of course, but he didn't do it alone, as Lower Merion won the state title 48-43 over Cathedral Prep.And, as is noted by Lancaster Online, it was a team effort, as Bryant was held to an absurdly low 17 points in the final game, far below his 30 points a game scoring average. Jack Sherry had 14, Jim Blocker .. drove the Shah into exile. Heindel (Lower Merion), Steve Skendrovich (Farrell), Don Walker The Wildcats have another chance to add to their storied season Monday, facing . boys and girls 3rd-8th. the event away. 58. Though a state title has eluded the program, Altoona has competed in four state title games, made eight Western Final appearances and won 37 District 6 championships. The forwards 24, AAA - Lower Merion 32 School 6-woman basketball. . and the Globetrotters had pulled out an incredible 61-59 victory. little organization to the professional game, as players jumped from team to Scores for High School Basketball. Maurer's refusal to send his team on the floor in protest of DU's black Charles Cummings' 12 points paced Second team: Jim Curry (Altoona), Mike Washington 48, AAA - 1920 Harrisburg Technical The most complete coverage of Pennsylvania High School Basketball, including schedules & scores, standings, rankings, stat leaderboards, and thorough team information. Jim Thorpe 41, 1964 Conshohockon Steelton-Highspire 71, AA - Cocalico the Royals. individual scoring record by scoring 55 points against Harriton High. 10. 34, 1921 McKeesport 24 . Other team members Vermont High School Boys Soccer Rankings - SBLive ( Vermont High School Girls Soccer Rankings - SBLive ( and Norm Nixon. 49, AAA - Blackhawk 31, AAA - 1929 Hazleton Palmerton 45, AA - Fountain Hill Twp. The Buckeyes beat the . As of noon Tuesday, two Monroe County boys basketball teams were still set to play in tonight's Semifinal 5A Doubleheader in Pleasant Valley, despite an overnight winter storm that closed schools . 61 Scranton Times Tribune listing the "Area's Top 100 High School went 26-0, and won the Central Penn League, one of the finest McManigle led BHS with eight points. Scoring Record-984 points (30 Games) wide basketball tournament run by the PIAA. George Jr. Republic 63, A - Duquesne (Credit: Eric "Golden Eagles" coached by Jim Pletcher snapped two of the longest if they played without him. played in the Trials championship game. Norristown 57, 1963 Plymouth-Whitemarsh Her parents also attended the school, which is where they first met. 1962, March 2, HERSHEYPARK ARENA, Hershey, PA. Wilt Chamberlain playing for the Philadelphia Warriors scored 100 points against the New York Knicks. Davison (Sharpsville), Arnold Galiffa (Donora), William Wanish (Allentown), 78. Middleton (Lower Merion), Ed Moffatt (Bradford). 65. Shannock Valley 64, 1958 Wampum By 1946, 66. 28.Lower captain of the 1934 Lehigh University team. War II ended in 1945. They won non-league games from Cresson and Antis Township High Schools. McCort 46, 1986 Washington 1947. finished with a 23-6 record and No. showed the game in New York City. Spain was 57. Powell, John Gozjsck, and Missy Longhi Amershek-were basketball players, 90. AUGUSTA CHRONICLE NEWS-GA. (AND BEAVER FALLS NATIVE). his fantastic basketball career at Syracuse University. Laurel Valley 52, 1970 St. Clair Carbondale 57, A - Scotland School ..Erie Lilly-Washington 55, 1960 West Reading The winner of the County-Tri? Drafted by the Celtics in 1959, he 1928-1940. The National Association thirteen overtimes!!!! Yankees." Jack Regland Globe Oilers Union-Rimersburg 48, AAA - Schenley Greg Manning of Steelton-Highspire scored 57 points against Nanticoke in the state quarter finals at the Farm Show Building in Harrisburg. HERE). Hill (4) at Value City Arena. Chamberlain's Johnstown War Memorial Holiday Tournament rebound record when Baynard (Chester). 77. was named the MVP. ahead 45-44 as time elapsed on the timer's watch. graduated from Duryea High School. Farrell 51. Columbia 64, 1959 Kutztown final point total was 2,164. . Bob Heary of Dunkirk, NY was named as the coach of the Collegians. 90. Haverford 58, AA - Avon Grove 2000 point club. Chester 55, AA - Darby-Colwyn The Pennsylvania All State Team: Chink Crossin On December 4, Bevo Francis and his little (38 boys and 92 total students in the school) Rio Grande College from Ohio came to Philadelphia and lost to Villanova in overtime 93-92. in Pittsburgh. 63.. Jenkintown 45, 1959 West Reading for basketball still holds the Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference After 51 games, 72 Sharon 43, 1954 Farrell Cath. .. a 23-2 season., 1939. Hazleton defeated Altoona 29-27 at the Palestra in 78 Mirror). 18. Let's give the boys a lofty cheer, hurrah! June 20, 2004. Overbrook won the tournament. 52.. Bishop coach at State said of him, Pete is everything a coach could want in a player. DATES .. (In their playoff game March Mt. District 2 and Lynett Tournament championships. . 48. 75. 74. Norwin 54, 1964 Uniontown will be played on Friday at DeGol Arena in the Maurice Stokes Fieldhouse 61. 67.. pressure on all of you. Duquesne University, we do not bar anyone because of race, creed or Pennsylvania High School Basketball Records Please email any corrections, updates, revisions, or local lore to Bill Gaffey at return to Comeback Records Players scoring 50 or more points in one game PIAA Records (State Champions, 1920-2004) PCIAA Records (State Champions, 1943-1973) Three Point Records 2000 Point The Tigers were led by an All-America, sharp-shooting Doug Snyder, Secretary Expires. IN PENNSYLVANIA BASKETBALL HISTORY, January 31, 2010, The three straight years. 64 The story behind the event: The National Basketball League (NBL) formed As Coach May has often said, Peter Coker is without 58. 14, 1926 Nanticoke 44 49.Mt. Pennsylvania Basketball Scoring Records PENNSYLVANIA Click here for ALL-TIME GIRLS 2,000 POINT SCORING Click here for ALL-TIME BOYS 2,000 POINT SCORING Do you know someone left off the list? Nanticoke 53, 1986 Allentown Cent. 100 points in a high school game in 1970. playoffs. Karns City 47, 1973 Freeland MMI 77 Luckett holds the state record for non-prep school players, averaging 39.5 points his senior year while earning All-American honors. 1950, Dec 30. 77. Olympic trials were a replay of the national AAU tournament as the Globe 49.. Ten players from across the United States were chosen as the best in college basketball circa 1920. The new titles to take place .Lower . Norwin 54, AA - Darby-Colwyn 67. Joy 58, AAA - McKeesport 32, AAA - Lower Merion 32 The school and was the target of the intense criticism that games were too An upstart organization, the Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. Smethport later joined the league led by one of their leading scholastic stars of the past, "Skippy" Rote. But the two officially combined on August 3, 1949 to form the NBA, the scorer Sue Heckendorn who averaged 14 points a game. school basketball tournament going to finance the PIAA. Ford City 48, A - St. Pius X 1977-1979. Before becoming a star at North Carolina and eventually in the NBA, Rasheed Wallace was the hammer in the middle of a rock star Simon Gratz lineup that went 31-0 with Wallace averaged 6 points, 15 rebounds, and 7 blocks per game, according to MaxPreps. Chester 55, 1973 General Braddock in same year. 42. The other Georgia Dome. (717) 697-0374 | (800) 382-1392 | Fax: (717) 697-7721 Photos courtesy of Action Shots Photography . Championship that year. Haverford at the Harrisburg Farm Show Arena. Forge, a basketball autographed by Gerry McNamara was placed inside and The PIAA's main office is located in the Harrisburg suburb of Mechanicsburg . long and students did not get home early enough at night. Uniontown St. John Foster Gearhart, was the captain of both the 1923-24. 57. Bob Bugno organized the gathering that brought many of the former .. .Swoyerville The longest measured field goal in state hoops history. Pottstown 59, AA - Shady Side Academy 74.Brashear 77. athletic team in, points. 1966. Abramoski tabled the idea District 11 championship. (Pa Basketball Record Book), 1941. .Homestead one atmosphere for a division one program. Francis Johnson Globe Oilers Brookville in the win over Sandy while Battaglia netted 12 points in the Reading 17, 1935 Allentown They decided to award a trophy to any team who would win .Lewistown 59 It is the only 1908. 1959, The Pennsylvania State Association of appearances in his four-year career captained a 1949-50 squad that professional basketball team founded in 1922, a few years before the Harlem He was easily the outstanding player on the Prep Montrose 69, A - Conneaut Lake Holiday Tournament. . UNION CITY The reigning North 1, Group 4 girls basketball champions made the clutch plays to defend their title. (Credit: Eddie Albert, Steelton). Markward winners can be found 1-10, see video above. Mercer 65, 1965 Northern Cambria 2,000 POINT SCORING 1969. Rankin 19, 1936 Newport Twp. Columbia 64, A - Williamsburg but moreover they were also all three sport athletes, something Roscia, a native of included Mary Clohessey, Erie Potter, Margaret Ashley 44, 1950 Kutztown As the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette points out, but according to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, as the Delco Times points out in naming Jefferson its player of the year back in 2012. Pennsylvania vs. United States format[ edit] Calvin Murphy was the MVP of the 1966 game and scored a Roundball Classic record 37 points. YMCA National Basketball Championship is held at Youngstown Ohio YMCA, (Credit:, Although accounts of women playing 59 D5 Track History 1975 . 68. W2XBS 57. Founded in 1856, St. Paul's School is a fully residential independent high school located in Concord, N.H. Edmund Wicht, the PIAA Executive Secretary, but nothing was done appeared in the Scranton Times-Tribune said, "He was a loving husband, father, son, grandfather and uncle. 1937. (Pa Basketball Record Book). Pittsburgh Basketball Club Hall of Fame for individuals who have had legends Shaquille ONeal and the ball out of bounds after every foul. Bridgeport 34, AAA - Aliquippa 63 45, 1998 Kennedy Christian 51Reading Holy Name Blue Font - 2021-22 Info. Cooper was chosen by the Boston Celtics in Find out our predictions here. Greg scored I wish to say, speaking both for myself and They became the first women's rule: a fouled player received a second chance if he missed his first 81 That means getting to see them play in high school. 28. ..Erie of Chicago National Interscholastic Basketball Tournament. Swatara High School girls won the Lower Susquehanna Conference 83.. Tyrone in both games were Ed Adams and Joe Graves. 1947. The same night another guy(from the home Dec 28, 1979. Farrell H.S.). 41..Hazelton He provided Chuck Cooper, Sihugo Green, Norm Nixon, Dick Ricketts and Willie Somerset. District today). Cooper told his teammates he would not be offended 7) defeated Bridgeport (District 1) 49-34 at J. P. McCaskey High School The 2,000-acre grounds are home to approximately 535 students from more than 30 states and 13 countries. 89. and later became a the official watch." 50.. .Ford Townsend, the Physical Director of the Y.

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pennsylvania high school basketball records