shannan watts autopsy

Good to have a former forensic detective around. If he straddled her chest, and pins her arms down with his knees, she would have been incapacitated. She texted him the morning she left for Arizona thanking him for letting her hold him that morning. The attack was pure power and violence. The Watts family killings and the financial devastation, infidelity, and what appears on the videos as a mindless neglect of the children overlay all these sad accounts. I think he was doing this so she would feel comfortable when she got home, and would be able to sleep. x, Ive said this before. A . When you are larger or they are tender, especially when pregnant, it is easier to sleep in them. Shan'ann, Bella and Celeste Watts 25 Page Autopsy Report | TRUE CRIME ROCKET SCIENCE TRUE CRIME ROCKET SCIENCE True Crime Analysis, Breakthroughs, Insights & Discussions Hosted by Bestselling Author Nick van der Leek CRIME NEWS WATTS KNOX JonBenet MCCANN WM3 PENDING TOOLBOX TCRS YOUTUBE ARCHIVE Chris came home and gave consent to search and said that he found Shananns wedding ring on the night stand. This was the last time she was seen alive. He runs into Ceces room & walks up to Shannan. I dont know her daily habits, but i use mine as an alarm. There is supposed to be a black smear mark on one of her pillows, possibly from makeup she was wearing, indicating that she was crying. In terms of your comments about respect, you clearly have no respect for my work. He had a plan to kill them all, all along. I mean, nothing can be done of course, it is done and is over of course, I am stating the very obvious. If the digestive tract opens up at death, where did Shannan, Bella and Celeste poop? Was Niko Buried With Shan'ann Watts? I learned all about a Sleeper/Chokeholdhated that part of SO academy, but is a great way to gain upper-hand, control over a perp and render them unconscious with one thump of my forearm on their neck/carotid artery.,, you black out immediately! Which she combed over the menu trying to come up with that amount for one person. If CW is the type of father that would never hurt his girls, then his behavior after pulling Shannan off CeCe would be to call 911, try CPR ( he had classes at work) When non murderous parents are confronted with the loss or potential loss of their children they get desperate. Lack of petechiae. Nor did any part of whats left of a moral consciousness scream what are you doing?!!! Some people never saw. There are FBI profilers who are trained at reading people by what they dont say & in Chriss case sometimes he says too much. Her office was described as unorganized and sort of messy, as were closets, drawers, and things out of sight. Then he agreed to go to Aspen with her for the weekend following her death. Watts pleaded guilty to murdering Shanann, Celeste and Bella to avoid the death penalty. The autopsy reports for Shanann Watts and her two young daughters show that all three were asphyxiated to death, and it's probable that 4-year-old Bella Watts fought for her life.. Because she was submerged in oil for four days. The girls were just in their pajamas; they werent wrapped in blankets. The male agent says did Shannan do one child & you the other? What is going on?? Or do you believe his lies, that she harmed the kids and then he did same to her? I approached an expert to get his take on it, and was a little disappointed by his findings: It drives me batty to see little Cece kick her legs in joy in the videos and to know they were stopped forever. As CrimeOnline previously reported, Chris Watts tried to pin the murders of 3-year-old Celeste and 4-year-old Bella on his wife when he first confessed to murdering Shanann, who was 15 weeks pregnant at the time. If this is true, what a sad sad world we live in for the love of money is the root of all evil. Maybe some ppl just can only take so much. Late stage of pregnant. True Crime Analysis, Breakthroughs, Insights & Discussions Hosted by Bestselling Author Nick van der Leek. In the first half of this demo, you have them face to face when the attack occurs. Pee and Poo I found nothing unusual with that part. Everything you say can & has been disputed. Maybe he lost patience with her. SWs flight delay was bad news, but since hed already gotten the girls out of the way, there was nothing left but to proceed with getting rid of SW and he almost got away with it. I guess my vanity rubbed off on her. Even in this scenario, you would expect fingernails in his forearm if Watts managed a rapid 10 second kill. How did Shanann Watts die? Why was her phone downstairs along with suitcase. Even if he raged and killed Shannon because she killed her girls, I would much rather be guilty for killing Shannon because she killed my babies then be a monster guilty of killing my daughters so I would have called for help so the cops could do their job and get the evidence to back up my story. Seriously? Christopher Watts, the husband of pregnant Shanann Watts and the father of Bella and 3-year-old Celeste, pleaded guilty to killing all three in August. @Nick I think she was killed by a surprise carotid choke (blood choke) rendering her unconscious within 3-6 seconds, hence no defence injuries, and dead in 30 seconds at the most. I go on youtube and so many parents are killing their kids. That is what this whole thing boils down to, Chris not wanting a divorce for the simple fact of having to pay child support on 3 kids. How would you have reacted in her situation? He didnt know what to do and was shaking. He woke up at 5 a.m. to get ready for work, and they began talking about separating. (883931) Full autopsy reports of all 3. Autopsy shows oil, water, and sludge in their lungs, which cannot happen when you are dead. Wanting to know why is simply that wanting to know why. And to come home to a cheating bum! Her house was immaculate, I envy that she was able to keep everything like that. Watts claimed that he snapped and strangled his wife when he found her murdering the girls, but he later pleaded guilty to all three murders. No. He had only a few friends. When youre pregnant, your chest grows significantly and pretty rapidly- its completely understandable that she might have been wearing one to bed. I am not sure that he planned the murders. I actually don't understand this and would think the opposite would actually be true. He still murdered a sick pregnant wife and two innocent children. It was on an automatic answering thing. *** Wearing a bra to bed is in fact QUITE common with busty women**. I actually do not believe that there was any sedation to the girls or his wife. In the autopsy Shannan was found to be still wearing a bra. 100% agree. Shannan would choke the like out of Watts before she hurt her kids. My son has many medical issues as well, doesnt make me a hypochondriac ffs she isnt here to defend herself maybe back off a bit. Mommys earned this. It seems likely she even planned to use her pregnancy and 3rd child in service to her MLM addiction see Why was the oil/sludge found in Bellas stomach? Watts isnt a trained jujitsu. Watts has since pleaded guilty to killing his wife and daughters, as well as a charge of unlawful termination of a pregnancy. You can argue till the cows come home and all you end up arguing is that she could be in any non-specific place in the house. So its OCD when it comes to what people see, both house and life if you will..but a suitcase at 2 am, 4 months pregnant, I could easily see her saying nope to carrying that suitcase upstairs. His mom I think knew about it prior. Not a chance she would have run the risk of waking up the children by going into their rooms she knew theyd be fine as shed often said Chris was a good Dad. Chris stated that his wife smothered her children and im sure hes lying but i was hoping to read somewhere here of proof that chris also smothered his kids. It is a condition that causes you to have irrational and uncontrolled thoughts, and the only way to make the thoughts stop, is to perform a ritual. 100% yes again), @Kim cadaver dogs dont just detect bodies they scent death, trauma sites, bodily fluids relating to death, and sites where arguments have taken place (they scent the adrenaline-type hormones released I believe the frenulum injury could be explained from the process of stuffing her head through the thief hatch post mortem it was a tight squeeze with the larger child. The kids had two wack jobs for parents. Watts buried Shannan's body in a shallow grave and dumped his daughters' bodies into an oil tank at the oil and gas exploration site where he worked in Frederick, Colorado, US. The FBI agents had already profiled that the wife had been strangled because theyd been through the house with luminol & found no blood splatter, and because children were involved also believed smothering was involved. Remember Nickols son found her cell phone in-between the cushions of the upstairs couch. I dont believe this was planned because everyone says that its ridiculous that he buried them at his place of employment. He is a monster. its pretty clear they went to bed like normal >>>How is it pretty clear? Did Chris Watts not mind his wife Shanann humiliating him on Facebook? Ella no tomaba ni la basura tampoco, lo dijo la nana de las bebs. The graphic autopsy reports detail the condition of all three bodies after they were recovered from an oil site owned by Anadarko Petroluem, where Chris Watts buried them. Could Bellas mouth injuries have occurred postmortem when he shoved her through the hatch? Before I became a police officer- I was an EMT and I worked for 8 months for a company that transports dead bodies from where they die to funeral homes or the medical examiner. I cant believe the police let them stay in there. I think he had mental issues too. As a woman, I never go to sleep with my bra on. But think about it. Not Shanann! Because he said hed never hurt his girls? When youre pregnant you do, breasts get tender and the extra support helps. Strangleholds require little physical strength. Areas of bruising, external. Theyd already pulled $10,000 out of Chris 401K to try and get caught up on their mortgage, but they were somehow burning through money like there was no tomorrow. Required fields are marked *. Here is the parts in Shanann's autopsy report that says the stuff about how her hair was sloughing, that she had skin slippage & bloating/decomposing had started. Does anyone know where I can view the autopsy pictures and/or videos? Im just saying if her friend had never come over. It may interest people to see how MLM companies such as Thrive, train their customers and promoters in Time and Management and Organisational skills, both of which can be classified as OCD behaviours to an untrained eye. It was a matter of how they were immersed in the oil. If they were pliable makes me wonder if they were not deceased that long before he was able to shove them into the tanks. While some muscles spontaneously contract after death and though all muscles eventually tighten into rigor mortis others are loosening their grip entirely. Kaye, this sounds plausible. I chose this thread that details the grisly aspects of the deaths to post it because, after reading the entire thing, it almost seems that there was an unrecognized accomplice in the Watts family murders. I actually tried this with my husband. Shanann was found in a shallow grave at an oil site near the drums. Once youre already unconscious from sleep & then start losing air from throttling it would make you very disoriented & hard to come to fully conscious state & fight back before losing total consciousness again. Yes, Posted Youtube videos shows that her office was messy. CW planned it, read it up. He eventually disappeared for long time, gave me house. Her body had been out in the warm Spring sun for 3 days, leaving the blood and fluids to ferment, if you will, which could have resulted in a false positive post mortem BAC. The DA explained that it is due to decomposition and the body breaking down. I have high praise for you, you are excellent at what you do. She tells him youll never see the kids again he flips, kills her and poor little Bella sees it. think mass gall stones) the bottom line is CW is a Covert Narcissist whose life would enevidably have unraveled at some point as covert express traits thus as a pattern of behavior. Her Dad stated that Shanann would often sleep on the sofa when he stayed at the house, and again when she was in NC after Chris arrived. The Weld County Coroner released the complete autopsy reports of Bella, Celeste, and Shanann Watts, who were murdered by Chris Watts on August 13. Please God Forgive me for everything.. Chris cleaned all that up so quickly and completely? That is what is difficult; without a trial we have no way of knowing all the forensic evidence and what tests the state started to perform or did perform. Or perhaps Chris had one with himself by way of rationalizing killing his family, although I dont think it was emotional. Ive been sleeping in my bra during my pregnancy- because my chest hurts all the time and taking it off even to shower is extremely uncomfortable. Even more common with pregnant women. Debbie do you have a link to that 411 Documentary please? Thats why no defense wounds. Want to keep up with the latest. Stomach: The stomach contains approximately 75mls of viscous green-black fluid which is suggestive of oil and particulate matter from the oil tank which she was in. I always slept in a bra when I was in my 20s and 30s. Anyway, this is the scenario I would paint if I were the prosecutor in the case. As far as the BAC goes, it had been over 100 hours from the estimated time of death to when the samples were taken at autopsy. She also had Lupus, and was 15-16 weeks pregnant, which could have been the reason why she wasnt feeling well. I think he may have snapped and killed Bella first. Powered by. He said in his admissions that she deficated during the murder in thier bed, where he wrapped her in a sheet and moved her to the floor immediately- where he was interrupted by the girls waking up (after his first attempt to kill them by suffocating them in thier sleep)- the girls were killed in his truck CeCe was wearing a diaper, so even if she had deficated or urinated it would be unclear after days in the crude oil.. And Bella was likely not dead but simply unconscious again when he dumped her body- therefore, even if she did relax enough to evacuate her bowels and bladder- it wasnt until she was in the crude oil tank. Before I forget one glaring mistake in the Discovery by the CBI when they did the forensic search they said they checked for traces of blood where the cadaver dogs had indicated, including the top of the basement stairs near the mudroom. Also, I read that the kids were very light sleepers. Here is what the International OCD Foundation says. All but her office. Now remember this would be AFTER strangling Shannan carrying her to their room & putting her in bed, so at least 5 minutes and since it would have taken about 4 minutes for CeCe to die 9 minutes had passed supposedly since Shannan had been in her room. Ive wondered if he made her a drink when she got home, a smoothie with some type of alcohol that you wouldnt taste in it to knock her out because she didnt drink. On page six of the report in the General Internal Examination findings, it states:- People with OCD can have obsessions related to a wide variety of things, including losing control, hurting others, unwanted sexual thoughts, and many more. She texted her GF talking about her being a single mom when she separated from Chris. Mechanical compression with blood vessels in the neck (as in a Stranglehold) causes a reduction in oxygenation of the brain, leading to cerebral hypoxia/ischaemia, anaerobic metabolism, and acidaemia/acidosis (similar to the effects of cardiac arrest on the brain (Longstreth 2001). Would love your thoughts, please comment. I also believe in my heart that Shannan did not hurt her babies Hey, I appreciate ppls input but to act all high and mighty and be disrespectful of others by trying to make them look and feel like idiotsI dont care how much you know or how smart you are. Time of death for all three victims is unknown. Heres another: If we can believe his scenario, that also sounds like Shannn wasnt trying to kill her daughter like Chris thought, which meant neither of them killed her which leaves someone who must have entered the home by using an access code that wouldnt trip the alarm and I wonder who that might be ((cough*mistress*cough)) if Chriss scenario is correct of course! With her like this would the conspiracy theory about her killing not happening until Tues or Wed not be possible? Also, CW was looking up dosages for oxycodone, a powerful pain medication that ShanAnn had plenty of stockpiled around the house. He pushes her off CeCe and strangles her with both hands ( he demonstrates ) Based on the history provided and the autopsy findings, the cause of death is asphyxiation due to smothering. Your thoughts? No one deserves what happened to those kids and their mother-you have issues. Im convinced that he did the same to Shanann. The autopsy report said that Shanann had a "history of being reported missing and subsequently found unresponsive in obvious state of death in a shallow grave." The cause of death was. I would put the blame on Chris! (this is horrific and the worst thing in the whole case, in my opinion). He may have sprung himself on her in the bathroom, came in after her and turned the light off or something, being an easier/tiled place to clean up any traces? I do believe that she may have been the one who smothered the children because she was so controlling, according to friends and family, that she didnt want another woman around her kids. I do know a lot of women who do this also. That discussion included stating she couldnt afford to live in Colorado as a single mom, AND she would have to immediately pull the girls out of school to save money. At least I would have. Poor Bella was smothered with extreme force to her face that it left bruising. GPS from Watts work truck led police to the oil well. Please have respect for people who suffer with the condition, and research it before you comment about it. The bra thing means nothing, my daughter is big busted as well and slept in her bra when she was pregnant because her breasts that were tender were less bothersome at night if she wore one. Chris and or others..I tend to agreeShan ann was imodefinitely disabled at some pointBella maybe not..she fought hard. Exhausting and she was pregnant. A person with OCD also wouldnt have that much stuff on the bathroom vanity. She seemed to be in pajamas which indicates she got into bed, which sickly matches up with his barely got into bed remark, The sheets were stripped because they probably got pulled off anyway during the act. Read my above post. [UPDATED] | True Crime Rocket Science / #tcrs, Watts Sentencing: Live Coverage and Analysis [Updated throughout the day] | True Crime Rocket Science / #tcrs, Crime News November 2018 | True Crime Rocket Science / #tcrs, The murder of the Watts children at CERVI 319 as Dramatized in FAMILY MAN, FAMILY MURDERER | True Crime Rocket Science / #tcrs. Have you read the 2000 page discovery? I also believe he would have thought out a better place to bury them. Esophageal strictures are typically treated with a procedure called esophageal dilation, during which a physician uses a small balloon to stretch open the scar tissue causing the narrowing in the esophagus. That goes against every human primal instinct we have, it just wouldnt happen. Shannan did not have any marks on her face indicative of a punch, slap, or anything at all. @nickdvl. didnt attempt it herself. 3. Was there no evidence of feces on the girls beds either so maybe they were not killed in bed? And then you test it in various scenarios. This is an excellent theory and makes a TON of sense!!! parents are hardly ever at the ones to determine that nothing can be done to save their children. what proof does this autopsy shows that chris beyond a reasonable doubt killed his kids?. He needed to be executed. Meacham [who knew Shanann from school] described Shanaan as OCD in the way the household operated. While I agree MLM is 100% a pyramid scheme and bad news and that the long term use of their products probably do more harm than good (e.g. Jeremy Lindstromwondered if Shananns OCD and honey-do lists had gotten to Chris. Youll never see the kids again! WHATEVER!!! He said kidnap somebody, murder somebody. Lastly, he lies constantly to the police, why is this self serving story all of the sudden believable? Never mind! Unless youd take that as he was going on the run with them, which I highly doubt. Cause if it was the way CW said she would have fought back. The police reports contain a conversation Chris had with his father. I hope he gets what he deserves while he is in prison!!!!!! Thanks! Its typical that children be smothered as opposed to stabbed etc. He in cold-heart and with much caluculation waited for her to return Shanann did not stand a chance! Part of the evidence that he put into the trash. He has an incredible amount of knowledge and has a lot of experience being an investigative reporter and author of many blogs and books. Saying she will be there with lollipops and other things. There is no sympathy for that psychopath period. And the decision to move Chris out of state as well? She had everything she needed on the ground floor kitchen for food and drink, office to make haircare purchases, bathroom and toilet and a big sofa with a huge blanket left on it as shown in the initial welfare check police body-cam footage. Bella was face up in the oil tank. The breast get sore , and large during pregnancy, and for me at least, it was more comfortable to have them supported and padded. Dont forget, she is pregnant. He failed all 3 questions. They are finger prints from his hands. Thankyou Nick for all your studies, research and insights. The children were in 20 foot tanks with hatches on top. My opinion, when Nicole Atkinson said Shanann was OCD, I think she was using the term loosely, as a description, not a diagnosed disorder. It would be tiring to lug it upstairs and she might not have wanted to make any noise. Could be so because Shanann had no defensive wounds and he said she didnt fight. No, ONE fully-formed, perfect adult and TWO fully-formed, perfect BABIES. To do her business? Also, we usually can find some urine, fecal material, body fluid on the bed sheet and the quilt. Killed Bella first not sure that he Buried them at his place employment. 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shannan watts autopsy