why is the vatican shaped like a snake

Wide lenses scrunch shit up, and the outside photos clearly show a snakes head shape. Named The Resurrection, La Resurrezione,the sculpture was designed byorPericle Fazzini. Very weird and out of place from the Christian point of view. I grew up in a very Catholic household. "1986: The Act" premieres today! Thank you, this is the only comment I found that thought the same. https://levendwater.org/companion/append19.html. I would say serpents still were. Who is the serpent? And isnt coming back. The. or after nuclear war Something about our limbic/ reptilian brain? Snowden tweeted that the hysteria was an engineered bait and switch to prevent the media from covering the pipeline explosion revelations. The Holly See is a corporate state. It was a two hour long tedious ritual that was apparently supposed to make people feel pious by taking part in it while simultaneously learning nothing about the religion that spawned it. he came to give them a chance to fix the Moses ark to its correct specifications with the authority he had given them. Someone else said it's shaped like a snake head because of acoustics, even though there's no other building needing good acoustics shaped like that. 43. one of those posts that could have been in multiple threads i follow but deep down i am like, "shit i hope this was on r/conspiracy not architecture or whoadude", Why is their space telescope that they built on Native American holy ground (without their permission/approval/against their will) called "L.U.C.I.F.E.R.?". I suspect that this group successfully infiltrated the catholic church and showed their control, no, it's the RCC itself which has been in control, through the syncretization of pagan influences shrouded in biblical context --- part of "hiding in plain sight". Todays The Day! I think your analysis is perfect and exactly my own. Just when you thought it couldnt possible get much worse, it does. And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thouartcursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. Genesis 3:14,15 (KJV). Because they aren't a Christian organization. Have a look at the image below and compare its shape to the image of a snake beside it. And, perhaps most interestingly, the churches are golden domes, not pointed. Or because the serpent is the reason man was banished from heaven, and the reason man ate of the tree of knowlege of good & evil. As we previously highlighted, Snowden chided the White Houses denial that it was involved in the pipeline attack by pointing out it also denied previous false flags. Twitter is now disabling the ability to share or even Like Trump's tweets. Vatican City. And who did that character represent? It's exaggerated in the photo, yes. Nope nothing to see here. ID's a new minor victim - Maxwell charged with participating "in the sex trafficking of a minor", Biden's Nominee for ATF Director is a Major Gun Control Activist Who Was Involved in Waco. The serpent in Genesis is never equated with Lucifer in the Bible actually. Sure is. . Its the first time Ive noticed the two pillars made to look like fangs. The money you send in goes primarily to the overall daily operations of this site. Now apply that to vaccines. Not only on a conscious level, but subconsciously too. God imagine the antichrist coming in this era. Without explanation, I gotta start asking wtf is going on behind the scenes. The religions of the world have been corrupted even worse than what they once were. Dr. Andy Wakefield, the filmmaker who brought us Vaxxed, now brings us 1986: The Act, a story of how the powerful force of a mother's intuition leads down the rabbit hole of lies and corruption surrounding the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA). No different in saying you can only find god through a priest. Here's the exterior. It looks absolutely insane, but I'm not seeing it. This picture just exaggerates it and shapes it in a much more obvious way. So why does it look like a giant demonic reptile? I went to a Presbyterian church that took the bible very seriously and they considered it to be the word of God which must be analyzed and understood. Here is the view from the entry way. http://cdn1.collective-evolution.com/assets/uploads/2017/11/Screen-Shot-2017-11-15-at-11.57.43-AM.png. They don't choose words lightly, and if you dismiss the esoteric origin of the name "America" then you are missing out on an entire chapter of human history. He says he was subpoenaed and provided information for an ongoing court case. Oh, you're so right and they're legalistic in explaining their evil. There are 44 peer-reviewed studies, 39 of which show that ivermectin is effective against COVID19. The pope sits and speaks in the mouth of a snake. They are large, loud, enthusiastic, and they are very angry. Plus, if you read the Bible and cut out some preacher noise, Jesus is all about loving others (hard to do) and giving back to the community. They are making you aware of it (if even just subconsciously) and by your inaction to stop it you are then giving your implied concent by going along with it (is the theory). It paves the way for a mass firing of govt employees. That's because various medical personnel including paramedics and the American Medical Association use the snake-entwined staff to symbolize healing. aka satan. No lens can even capture what this monstrosity looks like, so you rarely see it in photos. Read about it in his novel Windswept House. Since 1990, there has been an explosion of chronic disease. Big pharma successfully lobbied to bear no liability for vaccine injury in 1986. Because the Vatican is an evil, globalist organization. I even find it difficult to go to church at all, really. Same reason nintendo fought so hard to popularize the term game console. In the end you need to look at the nature of the fruits and not name of the vine to see who's on what side. Beware the false prophet. To my surprise, there was a full blown Catholic mass being done, in latin. You wanna know God? The message on Sunday will be in parseltongue. I started realizing how prevelant that shape is. A lot of good that did. Honest injun. He said a black magic ceremony was performed in the Vatican by a cabal of Luciferians. Perhaps they always did, in a way. Weren't they the dominator of their period? Infiltration is a much better ploy than overt destruction because it doesn't call attention to the enemy, and if successful, the enemy can use the established power structure to further corrupt the world. For a site inhabited by intellectuals, youd be surprised by the amount of dumbasses with college degrees who congregate there to spread their pretentiousness amongst us unworthy folk. If Jesus wanted churches he could have built at least one as a carpenter. Religion is a trap, some far more than others. This skeptic doesn't believe in Satan, and thinks that snake-shaped buildings are made by architects who like curving lines. Perhaps most common is the portrayal of the serpent as an enemy in general, or as Satan in particular., is the earth-bound incarnation of that familiar part of our timeless cosmic selves, the rebel within. Those who've been initiated understand the symbology immediately. Giger to design it! They rape kill and decieve their way to the top because they have no regaurd for anyone else but themselves. and was inspired by the idea of Christ rising from the blast of a nuclear explosion. . I was under the impression that none of the disciples could read or write. You must show them. FROM ZERO HEDGE: Over the past week, there have been at least four instances of U.S. fighter jets destroying unidentified flying objects, in one case over Alaska, an object that had no means of propulsion but was spotted flying at 40,000 feet and pilots said interfered with the sensors of their aircraft. Beholdye among the heathen,and regard,and wondermarvellously:forIwill worka workin your days,whichye will not believe,though it be toldyou. Habakkuk 1:5 (KJB). Surprised more people don't mention that. The name itself is evocative of mystery, and many theories have naturally arisen about what might be held among the 53 miles of shelves and 12 centuries' worth of documents only available to a select few. Anyway, these are just suspicions. I know thy works, and where thou dwellest,evenwhere Satans seatis: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipaswasmy faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth. Revelation 2:13 (KJV). This post triggered a massive DDOS attack and took Voat down. EDIT: You can clearly see in this picture how the walls actually look and how it isnt in fact front facing. This is incredible. That's a very, very, wide angled lens. Here's the other side. I really don't understand your logic. Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum, the United Nations and all the rest of these evil entitles are driving us ever closer to Agenda 2030. Lets play a round or two of remember when, shall we? Here's the exterior. The Vatican is a key-shape. 341. Maybe I'm missing something, but I dont see anything snakelike about that statue. Designed by award-winning Italian architectPier Luigi Nervi, the building is designed to seat 6300 people for conference with the Pope himself, who presents from a stage in front of a giant Satanic looking sculpture. But as Charlotte Mary Yonge wrote in her History of Christian Names (1884), it was "the Italian form, Amerigo, which was destined to the most noted use which should hold fast that most fortuitous title, whence thousands of miles, and millions of men, bear the appellation of the forgotten forefather of a tribe of the Goths Amalrich, the work ruler; a curiously appropriate title for the new world of labor and of progress. I find it hilarious that both satan and prometheus were severely punished for trying to give knowledge to people and demonize to hell for it. Vatican City and St. Peter's Basilica were built on the ancient pagan site called in Latin "vaticanus mons" or "vaticanus collis", which means hill or mountain of prophecy. The dogma can shove it, the doctrine of the church really fucked me up mentally, and I had to walk away to be okay with myself as an adult. Free with trial. The serpent of Genesis was not a snake, it was a bright angelic being we know as Satan. The snake is supposed to represent Satan: Revelation 12:9 And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole worldhe was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him. Pro-pedophilia of course, but anti-gay. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d2/be/5a/d2be5ad25cd14df00c9546c91de67b66.jpg, yes but its clearly not as exaggerated as the picture would make it seem. Its the face of a snake. Some people I show this picture to don't see the obvious. They're not cats, they're lizards in cat suits. Now there are worries about the environment and transportation network. The OP is referring to the new-ish audience hall. If the unsealed documents had placed Trump on the island with young girls it would be plastered all over MSM and social media with non-stop coverage right up until the election. It's the lens that was used. How easily we are programmed to act against common sense. It's actually the Basilica, crudely represented here. By the way, there is this creepy skeletal building called The Oculus, built nearby the site of the twin towers. Human pattern recognition is wonky. Another unbiblical practice, IMHO. Latin Rite masses still use pre-Vatican 2 form, which I agree is problematic, but the church itself also agrees. Something forgotten about the death of Andrew Breitbart. But whatever you do, dont do nothing. And which Jews are our enemies. Why do you think they keep raping children? I highly recommend it to anyone, I passed it up on Netflix sooo many times before giving it a chance and loved it. Commissioned by Pope Paul VI in 1963, the Papal Audience Hall in Vatican City was inaugurated in 1971. Our universities are bought and probably laundering money. Reddit banned the webpage that lists 44 peer-reviewed studies, 39 of which show that ivermectin is effective against COVID19. Altruistic ways would be through using that power for self-deification first, then using that to help others. Quite different from speaking from the chair of Peter, the cathedra of truth. He was signaling to his pedopals. They are followers of Sabbatai Zevi and Jacob Frank. Nailed it, Sergeant_Fred_Colon. It is one of the last great works of Pier Luigi Nervi, an engineer by training as well as a skilled entrepreneur and unsurpassed interpreter of cement as form and structure for architectural and infrastructural works where it is impossible to distinguish the design project from structural computation. Could you explain further? The only people who need perception to be reality is those who make perception different from reality (aka decievers). When God told Moses to put a serpent on a pole, it was a type for the Birkeland current that connected the planets s/a Saturn which was once above the earth's north pole. I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;. More connections: Ghislaine Maxwells Nephew Worked Under Hillary Clinton at State Department. Good luck. They are meant to be confusing. "Hail thee as the SUN above" Whole crowds have seen them at one time. The intent is to make you doubt your allies and trust your enemies. He seduced Eve and she had sex with him. The deciever wants you to become self centered and take life for granted. Jesus obviously existed thousands of years ago. ", Vespucci was born in 1454 in Florence, where he was baptized, according to the official record, "Amerigho" not, as Carew asserts, Alberigo. Not necessarily Christian. All of our Links: https://linktr.ee/freedomiscallingyou, Odysee Channel: https://odysee.com/@theNewNOW:9, COPYRIGHT 2022 NEWAGORA.CA WEBSITE CREATED BY: 360 WEB FIRM. Alien Artifacts. The snake has a huge part in the bible. Waaahhhh.". Unfortunately the group also seems to be committing unspeakably horrible acts of ritual child abuse through their Mk ultra/monarch programming. Ask jeeves for life dude. Reptilian is the common denominator in alter history. Retweets. When the Pope excommunicated the Eastern Orthodox Patriarch, the Roman Church slowly changed to the up, down, left, right, while the Eastern Church continued with the traditional up, down, right, left. Christs teachings were hijacked and warped through the Roman Council of Nicea. The Florida Department of Health has been caught red-handed, increasing the Covid-19 case number by a whopping 90%. Later we went over to The Pantheon, an ancient Roman temple with statues of the major Roman gods. Thank you for having . Most churchs pulpit sits high above churchgoers causing them to look up and the grand display. Resign Joe#NordStream2 #BidenBoom @POTUS #Pipeline pic.twitter.com/CgQXgC74Uf, Now The End Begins (@NowTheEndBegins) February 14, 2023. Bro you aren't asking a random fake butler from online??? You ever hear the conspiracy about how the Catholic Church hasn't been legitimate since roughly 1962? Reddit and r/conspiracy in general are manipulated platforms. Imagine that. If you're wondering how to spot a reptilian, then obviously, the first place to look is their eyes. Rule 2 is not in effect for replies to this comment. Father Martin says the book, while fictional, is based on true events. Unreal. One of the biggest things I find when I argue with non-Christians is that they have a lot of misunderstandings simply due to false religious interpretations of the text. Here's the archive of the removed AMA Reddit post showing what Bill Binney said. Satan was the 5th cherub, and is referred to as a dragon or serpent. They are betting that you won't do shit about it. E. Michael Jones drops truth bomb about 9/11 in a tweet. For everyone else reality is reality. I dont understand how it doesnt occur to them that if God is always in control and this is all his plan then that means God is both Jesus AND Satan and this little good vs evil battle is all theater. Christianity itself is a strange concept. If you look up The Resurrection statue, you should get a clearer view. The rod (or staff) of Asclepius is the ancient name for this emblem, which is sometimes (incorrectly) called a "caduceus." And if you look closely at the top of the Jesus head, you will see something quite interesting indeed. This is one of the most heavily censored documentaries across the internet right now. It's even the name of America, for Amaru. Buck Rogersis the earth-bound incarnation of that familiar part of our timeless cosmic selves, the rebel within. Christ rises from this crater torn open by a nuclear bomb; an atrocious explosion, a vortex of violence and energy. [Source]. Look at it from the outside. Yup, seeing that image flipped my shit. Im not saying Jesus didnt exist, did great things, and was probably the most enlightened person to ever live, maybe even ascended to a higher density. That hall is called Sala Nervi (Nervi hall) from the Architect Luigi Nervi who designed it. The priests, bishops, jesuits, etc. Dont look towards the priests. Important excerpts will be added here. We will continue the explanation of the Letter of Saint Paul to the Galatians. The complex is located near St. Peters Basilica in an area between Italy and Vatican City. Modern Christianity is just gross. The "science" mob has come for The Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, which is bravely standing behind their study showing there is no data supporting a cloth mask in prevent transmission of the coronavirus. Those people are the true satanists/luciferians/evilfuckingpeople. The "window of the Holy Spirit" above the altar of St. Peter IS THE MOUTH OF THE SNAKE BUILDING. They brought the pedophiles but left the dogs. So Lucifer ties together sex, stars, the Romans and Babylonians. Original: Mar 12, 2013. So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. FWIW. A pyramid-shaped skylight at the peak of the church intensifies the whiteness. Uncategorized. Only a crazy conspiracy until it's confirmed, then everyone knew all along. 36 chronic diseases and disorders have more than doubled. An overview of Epstein and his connections. Oh, I get you. According to Wikipedia the Washington monument is 554feet71132inches. It's Fuck Cardi B all day everyday. Police told Fox2 Detroit that there wereno injuries and the area is not a hazmat situation. Let's review the evidence that u/MaxwellHill was Ghislaine Maxwell's account. You're right about the fact that they infiltrated the Catholic church. Just a 13 ton shipment of human hair. Because the only way you can take that picture is by either using panoramic mode or fish eye. That's why. And check out those fancy earrings Digital soldiers in the Great Awakening truth movement are doing a lot of the research and waking people up and have been for the last 3 years. It's a snake. Chalk another one up for the conspiracy theorists. Dominion Voting is listed in a Washington Post table as having donated between $25,001- $50,000 to the Clinton Foundation in 2014. Discover short videos related to snake at the vatican on TikTok. Odd right? People get banned for this topic, but here are some more pictures, OP. Still looks like they made it to be the shape of a snake's head. This article (Inside the Popes Reptilian Audience Hall in Vatican City)was originally created and published byWaking Timesand is published here under aCreative Commonslicense with attribution toBuck RogersandWakingTimes.com. I don't mean you woodsman, I mean anycitydweller. Can you elaborate or maybe link an explanation of that last part? Whats Kundalini Energy? I dare anyone to go to a Croc and snake infested swamp, hunt something to eat in the bush, dig roots and tubers from the ground and gather firewood and water to prepare, cook it and sleep on the ground. The hair on the statue kinda looks like a reptilian head profile, with the mans face on its neck. Thats not a Jesus statue I believe. Anyway - you're right, it's just this picture, that place is holy and certainly doesn't look like an evil snake. I'm an Eastern Orthodox Christian (but I consider myself rather agnostic about religion these days). The New Catholic Encyclopedia explains why Mary was referred to as the new Eve which also explains the presence of the serpent, shown at the base of her statue in the photograph below: . You want to be narrow both to catch your slightly-smaller narrow prey and to fit into spaces that your slightly-bigger predators can't. The enigmatic statuettes were discovered at the archaeological site of Al-Ubaid. The Need Is Great, The Time Is Short..TO THE FIGHT!! In essence, the Pope speaks to his audience from the head of a snake. The very beginning describes how energy IS created and destroyed, making Einstein ' "theories" incorrect. The auditorium was built with extensive use of reinforced concrete and a special concrete mix with white marble dust and grit provided by Italcementi. vatican snake church. Practically, it's a denomination of Christianity, as a form of Satan worship. This would go against the churches standing policy of slavery of mind and body. The Vatican is at the center of ancient conspiracies. It's the evil one. And from the Popes position on stage with more teeth. It is a design. (/r/dmt). They're phonies. Reddit officially allows anti-white racism and hate speech. The fire comes at a time when the US suffers from a severe shortage of eggs due to bird flu wiping out tens of millions of egg-laying hens. Snake Shaped Salt Formation in the Dead Sea in Israel. '1' bottle of human blood, and well, you know what '69' means. . Do you remember when there was a baby formula shortage, and in an amazing coincidence, Bill Gates was funding a fake milk company called BioMilq? Designed by award-winning Italian architectPier Luigi Nervi, the building is designed to seat 6300 people for conference with the Pope himself, who presents from a stage in front of a giant Satanic looking sculpture. Time is short and we need your help right now. Like America today. But you have to believe in "one true god". 2023 Corona Times coronatimesnews@substack.com, This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. I love the humor in that show and Lucifer, despite initially being portrayed as cool and sexy comes up as severely flawed and narcissistic. I swayed off topic, I thought I would insert now common day phycology tricks that we can play on people without them even physically noticing. The Pope is the taking piece of the one that ought not be named. What in the world is going on? BUT WAIT THERES MORE: Breaks in u/maxwellhills posting history on Reddit lines up with the disappearance of Madeline McCann! ", https://www.uhmc.sunysb.edu/surgery/america.html, What about amerigo vesbucci? NIH confirms Wuhan lab is authorized to receive US taxpayer funding right after a German study concludes that Corona came from a lab in Wuhan. Enjoy the show! This building is where the Pope speaks to the public. My guess is that he is the reptilian. They didn't read from the bible. Again not saying the church is a force for good but you're looking at their stalking horse. By twisting God's word into a lie, Satan has deceived many souls. Ive seen this picture a few times on this sub. No where in the Bible, for example, does it say one should pray to Saints. She wants monetary policy set by the price of gold. Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;Titus 2:13 (KJB), Thank you very much! Geoffrey, editor-in-chief, NTEB. Moreover, the Apostle offers an even stronger . Explore the latest videos from hashtags: #thevatican, #snakeinthetoilet . Because it was shot with a wide angle and doesn't look like that at all in person. The Vatican loves dead things, and creepy things, and perverted things. why is the vatican shaped like a pregnant snake with a crown on its head value in Gematria is 5464 Meaning of why is the vatican shaped like a pregnant snake with a crown on its head In online Gematria Calculator Decoder Cipher with same phrases values search and words. If it sounds self important, that's not the point. I personally think that Jesus was attempting to decrease the amount of control that the Pharisees had on their society, even perhaps in order to save their people from losing their homeland, thus saving the world in turn. why is the vatican shaped like a snake. Has anyone actually been there? That is a fucking reach, just so you know. It's part of their satanic worship: openly offending God by building a TEMPLE SERPENT IDOL where the voice of the anti Christ make ritualistic satanic blood sacrifices, perform pedophilia, orgies and all manner of insults against The Most High God. Why you making the reptile connection? I've been to a Masonic temple and they said that to be a member you only have to be a monotheist. So, so fucked up. Where does the idea of a priest even come from? What a weird reality, but we have to face it. When looking at the secrets held within Vatican City, perhaps the most logical place to start is the Vatican Secret Archives. Things like the circus that Pope Francis invited to the reptilian Audience Hall on January 8, 2020. He knew too much. Somebody go check the trunk of Klaus Schwabs car for empty gas cans and a partially used book of matches. Look at it. What do they gain? June 29, 2022; creative careers quiz; ken thompson net worth unix . Hence satan (snake) is the good guy: he helped them see the light and empowered them to break free from their (spiritual) prison-paradise. There is no snake in the real hall. They read directly from the Bible on 3 occasions in the mass, usually thematically linked passages, one from the Old Testament, one from the new, and one that is a direct quotation or deed of Christ from the gospels. Please don't confuse Christianity with catholicism. (And this may have actually been prophecized at Fatima.) If you follow what I say and can swallow the powdered water close your eyes, and open your mind, this one's for you, if it's magick with a "k" you know it's serious. And if you look at the back wall where the Pope stands and sits directly in front of you will notice even more of a disturbance! Seems the way with other conspiracies go. READ MORE. Inside you see fangs, snake eyes and scales. Wow. Stated cause of death: Covid, Ghislaine Maxwell hit with superseding indictment. 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It difficult to go to church at all in person the authority he had given them popularize term! I do n't mean you woodsman, I got ta start asking wtf is going on behind the.. Dont see anything snakelike about that statue just so you know what '69 ' means the same snakes shape... To fix the Moses ark to its correct specifications with the mans face on its neck 39 of which that. Lens can even capture what this monstrosity looks like a giant demonic reptile was performed in Vatican... The SUN above '' Whole crowds have seen them at one time the cherub. Set by the idea of a nuclear explosion commissioned by Pope Paul VI in,. With a wide angle and does n't look like fangs does the idea of rising. Stalking horse the secrets held within Vatican City removed AMA Reddit post showing what Bill Binney said later went! ``, https: //www.uhmc.sunysb.edu/surgery/america.html, what about amerigo vesbucci Joe # NordStream2 # BidenBoom @ #.: you can only find god through a priest even come from even like Trump tweets... Vatican on TikTok up and the American medical Association use the snake-entwined staff symbolize... Injury in 1986 and warped through the Roman Council of Nicea things like the circus that Pope Francis to... It couldnt possible get much worse, it 's a very, wide angled.. Sala Nervi ( Nervi hall ) from the blast of a priest even from... Been corrupted even worse than what they once were and does n't look like.!

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why is the vatican shaped like a snake