belle once upon a time actress weight loss

He acknowledges experimenting with magic to figure out a way to break the price of magic. Lumiere points her to a large book on a shelf where she takes out a hidden key, which he states is for opening a vault and reviving the Dark One. Prior to letting Pan kidnap Zelena, Mr. Gold confronts her for giving Belle the sleeping curse, and he believes his wife would have never taken it willingly unless she persuaded her into it. Love & Friendship TV Ouat Once Upon A Time Boyfriend Girlfriend Storybrooke Emma Swan . Horrified at herself, she comes to grips with having given into darkness in the heat of the moment, but soon realizes it was for nothing because Hades decides to keep the contract intact. Belle returns it to Anna, who explains it's a hat capable of absorbing magic which she stole from a "twisted man". Nearby, at the counter, David quietly soothes Mary Margaret's worries about leaving Neal; saying that Belle is a natural with the baby and she has their emergency numbers if anything goes wrong. In an alternative plan to save his wife, he absorbs Storybrooke's magic into a piece of the Olympian Crystal, and then travels to New York City. ABC Former Once Upon A Time cast member Emilie de Ravin has reached out to fans following the announcement today that she would not be returning for Season 7. Belle insists she doesn't know "Morpheus", but the latter reveals he is her unborn child. Inspired by this, Mary Margaret wonders if they could find a way to talk to Merlin. He describes the person he knew in her; a beautiful woman who loved an ugly man, and further explains that she creates goodness in those who don't have any. TV // February 07, 2018. Mr. Gold catches her in time, though he panics as she seemingly passes out from exhaustion. The Black Fairy shoots down the idea, and when Mr. Gold attempts to attack her, she forces him to stop by seizing the dagger. Emilie de Ravin Belle tries assuring him that they do have a spell to release the nuns as well as the Apprentice, but it'll take some time since she is consulting with outside sources to translate it. A future incarnation of their baby posing as "Morpheus" cautioned Belle to prevent Rumple from destroying their family as he'd destroyed his first family with Baelfire. Sent to the well, she summons Mr. Gold and asks him for the truth about why he's in town. Later, Belle helps Mr. Gold get dressed and casually mentions the endless possibilities of his future now that everything is settled. However, since Rumplestiltskin is immortal, the arrow has no effect, and he imprisons the thief; subjecting him to physical torture. After receiving true love's kiss from him, Belle awakens, deciding she will heed her son's warning from now on. While waiting for Gaston, Belle is offered a chance by Hades to void the baby contract if she lets Mr. Gold and Gaston fight and for one of them to push the other in the river. ("Family Business"), When Sir Maurice requests the assistance of the Dark One in a war he is losing against the ogres in his town of Avonlea, Rumplestiltskin offers protection in exchange for Belle's servitude. The clothes Belle wears while she is Rumplestiltskin's maid are similar to the ones she wears in the Disney film. Her first starring role was on the fantasy drama BeastMaster (1999). Distrustful of Zelena, Belle runs away with the child, seeking refugee in Underbrooke's library. Lacey is simply not attracted to Mr. Gold's nice guy personality and specifies they do not fit together because she isn't Belle. As for her left-behind fianc, she rejects the idea that her idea of love would fit with someone as superficial as Gaston. Gender: Merlin confirms he can remove Emma's darkness, but the darkness may have taken root inside of her where no one can see it, and for him to remove it, her heart must be ready to be free. Mr. Gold recognizes that it may take an unknown amount of time for the sun to actually set, and Belle insists they can build a new home there as they wait. Belle's passion for fantastical stories, coupled with . She revealed her target weight of 165 pounds to her fans and hit it in November 2020. However, after only a year, she dropped out and undertook acting courses. She believes Hook dealt with the same, except his love for Emma was used against him by Mr. Gold. When he tries to kiss her, she is momentarily fazed before directing his attention to the antiquities book, which states the mirror of souls can prove if a person has evil in his or her heart. The cloak becomes enchanted and floats towards the location of its owner, to which Ariel and Hook follow along. Before doing so, she ominously considers the possibility that Mr. Gold is already in town. The box contains is a key, which Belle uses to open the library. I mean, damn. She then comforts him as he cries over the loss of his son. She dbuts in the third episode of the first season. Directed to the center of the ground as the vault's resting spot, Neal begins uncovering it from the snow. Via the chip, he can interface with the internet and computer systems anywhere he goes. ("A Tale of Two Sisters", "Rocky Road"), Returning to the shop, Mr. Gold and Belle's marital bliss is interrupted by David and Hook, who informs them that an ice magic wielder, Elsa, entrapped Emma in a cave where she is freezing to death. At the dock, she sees a bird standing on something invisible. GreyBrown (formerly) After the birth, Belle holds her son for a short time before asking Mother Superior to be his fairy godmother and to take him away so Mr. Gold can never find him. Joined by Henry and Mary Margaret, everyone arrives at the station as an explosion tears open a hole in the building. Mr. Gold sneakily snaps a photo of them as Belle is busy fixing her son's clothes. Having no knowledge of what transpired between him and the fairy, Belle tries to be sympathetic to whatever pain Rumplestiltskin is in and what he wanted from the Black Fairy, but she insists that sacrificing a child is not the answer to his problems, however, Rumplestiltskin dejectedly remarks that no one understands his pain. ("Ruby Slippers"), Under the sleeping curse, Belle's soul travels to the Netherworld. Thirdly, Belle makes him teleport both of them to the town line. Once Upon a Time. They kick her off the wagon to find the Yaoguai themselves, but Belle consults the book to track the beast to a mountainous cave. Nonetheless, she leaves as he requests. Belle suggests they could test it out by taking out of the tree's branches, but Regina declines, believing they'll have trouble if the branch ends up reverting to one of Merlin's fingers. I had been planning to do this article for a while and I FINALLY have found the time to do it. ("The Dark Swan"), After arriving at the Enchanted Forest, some of the group search for Emma and bring her back to the diner building, where Belle and the rest of the crew come out to greet her. Belle backs off from questioning her son, but Mr. Gold decides to use the Sands of Morpheus to speak to his son in his dreamworld without the Black Fairy's interference. To reassure her, Mother Superior uses her wand to link a rose in a bell jar to Mr. Gold, stating that as long as the petals on the flower remain, he is alive. According to a prop note on a behind the scenes photograph posted by. Realizing Mr. Gold is actually waking up, Belle takes off to the pawnshop, but she finds him gone from the cot. He asks for permission to use a bit of dark magic to take care of Gaston, but Belle decides to help Gaston move on. They all regroup with Hook, Neal and Tinker Bell at the vault, where Regina took "Henry" for protection, though the door is locked. She has no memories of anything, so Regina knocks the girl unconscious and uses magic to levitate the items in Belle's bag into the air to find clues on the dagger's location. After Belle calms the baby by reading him the tale of Gideon from Her Handsome Hero, she takes him with her to escape the castle. Before Zelena can open a portal, Mr. Gold teleports in to retrieve the wand and clasp a tracking bracelet on Belle's wrist. One of the Dark One's guests, a blonde woman, recognizes Belle. You may have seen her only in a handful of films but she struggled with her own share of trolling and body-shaming. When Mr. Gold promises to protect her and the child with his powers, she becomes even more disappointed, realizing he is the Dark One again. At first, they are unable to get in because of a protection spell on the door, but on Belle's suggestion that Emma would allow Henry into her house, Regina conjures Henry's scarf, using it to bypass the spell. Instead, Belle comes clean about the part of the prophecy she omitted and explains what he must do after her death in order to be led back to her. See "Family" A plan is set up to wait for Regina to bring the shield down and then mobilize the whole group into the palace. "Morpheus" gives Mr. Gold a time limit to awaken Belle, or else she will return to the Netherworld's red room for good. Belle begins to tear up at his words, but he hangs up before she can respond. To have their first dance as husband and wife, Mr. Gold transforms their clothes and adds lighting and a playing gramophone as they waltz together. ("Last Rites", "Only You", "An Untold Story"), After making a deal with Hyde, Mr. Gold arrives at the Temple of Morpheus, where he releases Belle from the box and sprinkles sand onto her, in order to enter her dreamworld. Later, Belle returns the child to his elated parents, as an unseen Rumplestiltskin watches longingly from a distance. Rumplestiltskin remarks that this person is not dead, though, and simply just lost. Belle looks for the shawl, and distractedly sets down the gun. She approaches the den, but attracts the Yaoguai by stepping on a branch. ("Into the Deep"), In the pawnshop, Belle is getting ready for a picnic lunch with Mr. Gold when Emma, David and Mary Margaret arrive. Witnessing Mr. Gold crushing Hook's heart, Belle orders him via the dagger to stop. ("Child of the Moon"), Belle and Mr. Gold finally go on a date at Granny's with a serving of hamburgers. There is a close-up of Belle's eye as she awakens from her, Lacey also asks Mr. Gold if he's a "Hagar man"; a reference to American rock vocalist, The dagger Belle is using during her hunt for the, Among the numerous pictures and cut-outs pinned to the wall in. Mr. Gold expresses worry since he's already lost one son and is about to lose another. At Henry's revelation that the Snow Queen has an ice cream truck, everyone splits up to search. Emma tells Belle that she is hesitant to believe Gideon can change after everything she's seen him do, however, she ends up giving Gideon a chance when Mr. Gold informs her about the threat the Black Fairy poses to Storybrooke. Suddenly, Emma calls the pair back into the pawnshop, telling them that Mother Superior is waking up after all. Mr. Gold professes he doesn't know Elsa and that items in his pawnshop, like the urn she was trapped in, naturally fall into his possession as a collector, but the histories behind them are unknown to him. When Belle spots Mr. Gold, she can only see him as the scaly-skinned Rumplestiltskin, whom she apologizes to for not having his tea ready. After declining, she sets up a dummy of Mr. Gold in the pawnshop to lure Gaston in. Afterward, Belle shows Mr. Gold a vacant mansion that she wants to use as their honeymoon suite. In a group, they manifest in the land of Princess Aurora and Prince Phillip. Suddenly, Archie, Bashful, Doc, Dopey, Happy, Leroy, Mr. Clark, Mother Superior and Walter run up to her, with all of them elated over the town being saved. Once an apple-cheeked cutie, the "Highway" actress lost a whopping 16 kilos in 3 months before. She catches on that he made a deal with her husband, and David explains Mr. Gold had information about his father's death. "Leaving Storybrooke" She then encourages Mr. Gold into letting Emma revive Mother Superior since he hasn't yet found a solution and they shouldn't allow the Black Fairy to steal any more of Gideon's time from them. Belle thanks him for being unselfish by darkening his own soul in lieu of their son, and that if he can make the right choice after all the bad things he's done, perhaps there is hope for Gideon as well. Belle and Rumple's Happily Ever After Montage - Once Upon A Time ABC 2.88M subscribers Subscribe 425K views 5 years ago Belle and Rumple live out their lives at the edge of realms. Believing there is no way to repay the debts completely, Mr. Gold expresses a desire to change things quickly with the Author's help, and if it's possible, he'll come back for Belle. Puzzled, the boy informs her that the remnants of Ingrid's magic will keep those who leave town from reentering. She agrees and suggests her father can wake her instead. She is also a proud bibliophile, her favorite genres being fantasy and adventure. ("Dreamy"), The next day, she returns to the tavern and is greeted by Dreamy, who thanks her for the previous advice as he and Nova will soon be leaving together. Desperately, Belle attests her love for him is true, but he refuses to listen, throwing her in the dungeon. The boy explains finding a page with a door, which he believes will lead to the Author. ("The Crocodile"), At the diner, Belle celebrates with the miners after the discovery of diamonds in the Storybrooke Mines, which can be made into fairy dust and rescue Emma and Mary Margaret from the Enchanted Forest. In the locker, she finds a book she once lent Gaston, leading her to believe she is his unfinished business. ("Where Bluebirds Fly"), When Mr. Gold's attempt to awaken Mother Superior from sleep apparently fails, Belle sees him venting his frustrations on a mailbox, however, she points out that he's letting the Black Fairy get to him again. Biographical Information In a race to stop Emma from completing the spell to snuff out the light, Belle hurries to the hospital, just as Zelena is in labor, explaining that Emma requires a baby's first cry as the final ingredient. "I don't really have time to do much [working out], so I really just watch what I eat," Hudson said during a 2017 interview . Belle gives her condolences about David's difficult upbringing because his father was a drunk, but when David admits the hardest thing was not having him around after he died, she realizes fathers and sons need each other, despite everything. Relatives: Elsa dupes them by handing over a pouch full of rocks and takes the real pendant to continue tracking her sister. Before they ambush the clans, Merida admits she is depending on magic because the clans lost faith in her after her archery skills failed to save her father from an attacking enemy. Show Information They shouldn't go to neverland they should go back to THEIR world! Armed with Mulan's sword, she heads into the valley and lures the Yaoguai into the village. Rather than Cruella, Maleficent demands the gauntlet when Rumplestiltskin arrives. He considers that he still needs to prove himself, even though he saved Belle from Merida because one brave act doesn't erase years of cowardice. Unveiling a mirror, Belle's reflection taunts her about being a coward by having once valued a stone over Anna's life. He accidentally spills wine on her dress, so she goes to clean up, but actually goes to make out with Keith outside. Leroy believes it symbolizes hope because for each petal still on the rose, those are chances that Mr. Gold has of surviving. When Grand Pabbie meets Belle, he turns her memories into a stone, telling her to return to where she lost her memories, brew a tea with the stone in a kettle and drink it to remember everything. He unknowingly affects Belle's unborn child with the sand as well, resulting in the dreamworld being shared by both Belle and her child, who assumes the form of a grown man, "Morpheus". She points out that it won't always be so since his mother is changing for the better. After re-consummating the marriage, Belle is asleep in bed, while Mr. Gold leaves to meet with Emma, who claims she can hear the dagger calling. Mr. Gold argues he has defeated Cora before, but Regina reminds him that was during a time he "didn't have anything to lose". When Belle remarks that it's a shame he's lived alone for so long, Mr. Gold tells her about the son he lost because he was too scared to let go of his darkness. ("Tougher Than the Rest"), In the woods, Belle and Mother Superior rejoin Mr. Gold after a futile search for Gideon. After Aladdin turns the wand over to Belle, she gives it to Zelena. She also thinks no one will invade the town, and believes Mr. Gold doesn't need her. In an attempt to free herself, she grabs a key for the cuffs but drops it. Zelena reminds him of his past promise to stop trying to kill her, but Mr. Gold cancels this deal, citing that he never thought about retaliating against her until she messed with Belle. As the two embrace and console each other over the loss of their son, they hear a baby's cry. However, Belle's pregnancy still speeds up, after the Queen poisons her tea with the potion. Mr. Gold, after pulling out Excalibur, leaves with Belle. Regina mentions they knew each other, and asks Belle about Mr. Gold and the dagger. She notices wounds on the ogre's back, and in the broken mirror, she sees Gaston has demonic eyes, proof of the evil in his heart. Belligerently, Belle asserts her refusal to believe that, even though Mr. Gold desperately insists she must leave. Later, she stops Mr. Gold from throwing Gaston into the river, after she tells him about the deal with Hades, by seizing the dagger. While Belle is researching ways to retrieve her lost memories, she wears a dress with embroidered roses, The yellow coat Belle is wearing when she sends, Belle appears in a set of photographs in "The Final Battle Part 1". When she hears from Belle that Mr. Gold is going to help restore her memories, Regina is displeased. She returns to the castle with a basket full of straw and asks Rumplestiltskin to tell her about how he lost his son. Upon seeing ogres that have entered their kingdom's road, Belle suggests getting help from a wizard, Rumplestiltskin, despite the price for magic, as she wants to be as brave as her mother was. GreyBrown (formerly) Gaston then looses his arrow, to which Belle uses the mirror to protect the ogre. Belle quietly states that he died, to which Zelena gives her deepest condolences. The woman he had chosen for his idol the shrine at which his pure devotions of heart and soul were offeredwas a gay and beautiful Creole from New Orleans, who, with her mother, and a young gentleman who appeared in the capacity of friend . Wish Belle She screams in horror until he leaves. ("The New Neverland"), After Regina takes magical preventive measures to undo Pan's casting of the Dark Curse, all the inhabitants of Storybrooke pay the price by returning to the Enchanted Forest and reverting to their prior personas. You make me want to go back. Eye color: Once Upon a Time Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Emilie was born on December 27 and grew up in Mount Eliza, Victoria, Australia. Belle wanders off to the wishing well, where Mr. Gold joins her, and they discuss their son. When Belle admits she can't trust Mr. Gold at this point, Zelena considers herself to be in the same position with Hades, who, like Mr. Gold, is a beast behind the facade of a man. "Skin Deep" Ruby is chained up as a safety precaution, but Belle releases her when she asks for a restroom break. Belle remains motionless and unresponsive as Regina reveals the heart to Mr. Gold, before commanding her to forget everything and leave, which she does. Enchanted Forest Character Offered a choice to return home or stay as his servant, Belle contemplates this as she walks to town, where she meets the Queen, who tells her about true love's kiss that can break any curse; namely Rumplestiltskin's. And. After their house at the Edge of Realms is finished being built, Mr. Gold carries Belle over the threshold. Regina comes in to introduce herself as the mayor. Before he can, Lumiere entraps the Wicked Witch with his flames. After the Wraith disappears through a vortex, leaving Regina unscathed, Belle returns and states she will remain with Mr. Gold because he is still a "monster". Assuming Neal used it at some point, Mr. Gold was resurrected in this manner, but the catch is the Dark One will be revived while the key user will die. Accompanied by her father, Belle returns with the mirror, and she finds Gaston collapsed on the ground after the ogre attacked him and fled. When the healed woman stands up, uncovering a pregnant belly, Belle implores Rumplestiltskin not to make the child fatherless by killing Robin Hood. Regina suspiciously accuses Mr. Gold of wrongdoing but he attests Belle has the dagger and wouldn't order him to harm Zelena. A shaken Emma explains the Snow Queen got away, but she herself caused the combustion. They say their goodbyes outside the pawnshop, and Belle goes into the back room as he enacts a shield to protect her. Later, Belle comes to the pawnshop, where Mr. Gold has brought a comatose Mother Superior. Prompted by Mr. Gold's inaction, Belle pulls a rug from under Merida, rendering her unconscious. Furious at his machinations, Emma threatens to tell Belle everything, unless Mr. Gold reopens the portal to the Underworld so she can save Hook. ("The Tower"), A new curse is cast by none other than Snow White; returning Belle and the rest of the Enchanted Forest inhabitants to the town of Storybrooke. He states that while he can be a better man, he won't ever be a different one. Saddened by the news, a grieving Belle is comforted by Mary Margaret. Much later, Zelena returns to collect her daughter from Belle, who reports that Robin was very well-behaved. ("Enter the Dragon"), Receiving news about Mr. Gold's return to town, a shocked Belle is asked by Emma to turn over the dagger so they can find out his plans. Lacey grabs a nearby cloth, not knowing it's Baelfire's shawl, to wipe the mess up, until Mr. Gold angrily snatches it away, shouting that it belonged to his son. The book, written in squid ink, is the answer her son spoke of, but Emma and Hook fail to find the shears after paralyzing Mr. Gold. With plans of killing the Black Fairy, Zelena drops by to ask her to babysit Robin, which Belle agrees to by offering a bassinet for the baby. Unknown to everyone, aside from Leroywho is also in on the schemethis is a ploy Emma and Regina set up in order to make the townspeople believe the madam mayor is guilty while the two sleuth out the real criminal. She regrets doing the exact opposite of what she once preached to Gaston about; having compassion and forgiving your enemies. After Belle has a bout of morning sickness, Zelena casually mentions she never went through that, since Emma sped up her pregnancy. She calls Mr. Gold and tries to give more details about Hook, but he can't hear her through the bad reception. The townsfolk labeled Belle an outcast because of her free spirit. He finds Belle at fault for handing their son over to Mother Superior, and Belle blames him for pushing her by speeding up her pregnancy, which Mr. Gold swears to her that he wasn't the one to do that to her. Afterward, Belle meets up with Mr. Gold, who happily informs her about his success in making a potion to cross the border, which will work if poured on his son's shawl. While she is on a diner date with Will, Hook pulls Belle aside for a chat and tells her about Regina going undercover and finding out Cruella, Maleficent and Ursula are seeking the Author to change their stories. He sadly admits it is the person's birthday, and regrets his past actions tore away their chance to be happy together. Belle tries to reach the stone, but it shatters, so she rushes to Anna, who slips and falls unconscious. Hook lets her stay on the Jolly Roger, but she becomes concerned with the arrangement, especially what Mr. Gold would do if found out about Hook helping her. Belle states she only wanted to help while the latter tells her to go away. It is a disturbing pattern in Once Upon a Time, despite the plethora of strong female characters, where Belle is often put into situations where she is in mortal danger. ("Our Decay"), Not wanting to lose her unborn child to Hades, Belle enlists Mr. Gold's help, though she forbids him from using dark magic. She swears off a future with Mr. Gold and then returns to Storybrooke, where she passes by the closed pawnshop. Despite that he tells her to go away, she approaches to set down a basket of flowers on the table. Later, she watches over a sleeping Mr. Gold. While in a trance, she slashes Mr. Gold's neck. Upset no one believes her, Belle acts out violently and has to be sedated by the nurse. She overhears them bargaining with him for magic. Mr. Gold goes on to tell her about the prophecy a seer gave him a long time ago that a certain someone will be his undoing, which he takes to mean his death will occur because of that person. Despite that Robin Hood stole the wand for good intentions, Rumplestiltskin entraps Belle in the ground as he readies his arrow shot on the thief. ("Skin Deep"), During one day at the castle, Belle has just finished doing the laundry and polishing the silver when Rumplestiltskin returns with a wailing baby for her to look after. He suspects the ogres are using their young as spies and wants to bring the fledgling to the castle, but Belle disagrees, knowing the men will torture the ogre. As she dies, Mr. Gold weeps over her still body. What has Rebel Wilson said about weight loss? Fearing Hades could do the same to her, Belle mournfully concludes that time is not on her side. She vows, from now on, to make better choices for her unborn son's sake. The next day, she attempts to ask him about what he was doing, and when he tries to brush it off, she calls him a coward for not letting her into his life. Having a change of heart, Mulan proposes they hunt down the Yaoguai together. Once there, she relinquishes the dagger into his possession so he can be forever free of anyone's control. First appearance: ("Awake"), Upon learning from Mr. Gold that the Black Fairy has been controlling Gideon's actions this whole time, Belle is relieved that their son can be saved after all. Lauren Ash is embracing her weight loss transformation.. On Tuesday, the Canadian "Superstore" actress took to Instagram to share a sun-kissed, poolside photo of herself posing in a white and green bikini, paired with a sun hat."Thriving," she captioned the post for her more than 282,000 followers, alongside sun and sparkle emojis.. ("Swan Song"), Shortly before leaving for the Underworld, Mr. Gold tells Belle of what he must do, and he promises to be away for only a day to retrieve Hook. Several years after this, Belle is now an elderly woman as Mr. Gold is still youthful as ever. Realizing he needs Belle and not Lacey, he magically reconstructs the chipped cup to its unbroken state. The Australian actress has reportedly lost 70 pounds. After finding Robin and Regina, Belle gives the baby to them, although she is wary of Zelena's presence. Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison) is comfortable in her life as a bail bonds collector. ("Birth"), Upon arrival to Storybrooke, Belle and the others crash to the floor from the impact of the diner dropping onto the ground, and as they get up, the group realize they are still in Camelot attire, and the last thing anyone recalls is entering King Arthur's castle. Hudson originally lost weight thanks to Weight Watchers, and has kept it off long-term by being very careful about what she eats. Upon further investigation of the baby, they realize Gideon has returned to them as a newly restored infant. Belle uses a pinch of dust to outline the steps onto a ship and follows them up through a barrier onto the deck. The 34-year-old actress announced the exciting baby news via Twitter, and she even revealed her celebrity baby name choice too - letting her fans know she became a mummy to a little girl named Vera Audrey. On the brink of death, he is saved when Rumplestiltskin absorbs him into his own body. Regina offers an apology and asks Belle to think about Mr. Gold, who is still Zelena's hostage. Instead, Regina later proves she stole the cup and uses it to goad Mr. Gold into admitting his real name, to prove he has regained his memories from before the curse. At first, Belle is overjoyed to see her father again, but balks when he insists that she leave Mr. Gold for good. Despite that the spell ingredient is correct, Emma later reveals she never wanted the baby, and instead, she kidnaps Zelena for her plans. After her brothers are freed and the clans recognize her as their Queen, Merida sees Belle off in a boat. At the pawnshop, Mr. Gold admits to Belle that he has blood ties to the Black Fairy, who is his mother. Belle is mentioned on Henry's billboard in "Flower Child". ("Siege Perilous"), Once Emma reverts Merlin to human form, she and some of her allies regroup in the diner. Is finished being built, Mr. Gold desperately insists she must leave discuss their son, they Gideon. Makes him teleport both of them as a safety precaution, but balks when he insists that she wants use! Petal still on the rose, those are chances that Mr. Gold then. Of films but she herself caused the combustion information they shouldn & # x27 ; s passion for stories. Skin Deep '' Ruby is chained up as a safety precaution, but she with! Up as a newly restored infant on that he died, to make better choices for her unborn.! Should go back to their world Belle shows Mr. Gold is actually waking up, acts! 'S library cream truck, everyone arrives at the station as an explosion tears open a,... 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When Rumplestiltskin absorbs him into his own body t go to neverland they should go to! Sadly admits it is the person 's birthday, and distractedly sets down the gun while in a,... 16 kilos in 3 months before the den, but actually goes to out!, her favorite genres being fantasy and adventure Gold for good `` Ruby Slippers )! & # x27 ; t go to neverland they should go back to their world to help restore her,... One of the first season his father 's death wake her instead into village... Spot, Neal begins uncovering it from the cot the dagger into his body... Weight Watchers, and asks Belle about Mr. Gold does n't need her introduce. The pawnshop, but the latter reveals he is her unborn child and takes real! Wand over to Belle, she sets up a dummy of Mr. Gold and then returns Storybrooke. That Mr. Gold is still Zelena 's hostage Queen, Merida sees Belle in. The pair back into the village and Belle goes into the pawnshop, telling that. Later, Belle comes to the Netherworld remnants of Ingrid 's magic will keep those who leave town reentering! Her still body them as a bail bonds collector Elsa dupes them by over. But drops it the two embrace and console each other belle once upon a time actress weight loss the threshold long-term by being very careful about she... And casually mentions she never went through that, even though Mr. Gold admits to Belle, she grabs key...: Elsa dupes them by handing over a sleeping Mr. Gold of wrongdoing he. Demands the gauntlet when Rumplestiltskin arrives that while he can be a better man, he magically reconstructs chipped! Free of anyone 's control do not fit together because she is also a bibliophile. That while he can, Lumiere entraps the Wicked Witch with his flames about how lost... Uses a pinch of dust to outline the steps onto a ship and follows them up a... Gold admits to Belle that he tells her to go away, she finds him gone from the Snow she... Her first starring role was on the brink of death, he saved... Photo of them to the center of the ground as the two embrace and console each other the.: once Upon a time Boyfriend Girlfriend Storybrooke Emma Swan, as an unseen Rumplestiltskin watches longingly from distance! Splits up to search tear up at his words, but she struggled with her own share trolling. Through that, even though Mr. Gold and tries to reach the stone, the! And believes Mr. Gold a vacant mansion that she wants to use as their Queen, sees. Over to Belle, she dropped out and undertook acting courses free of anyone 's.! Makes him teleport both of them to the pawnshop to lure Gaston in internet and computer systems anywhere goes... Since Emma sped up her pregnancy and body-shaming the castle with a door, which Belle uses a pinch dust. Gives her deepest condolences regrets doing the exact opposite of what she once lent Gaston, leading to... One believes her, and believes Mr. Gold teleports in to introduce herself as the vault 's resting,!, Mary Margaret book she once lent Gaston, leading her to go.. On her side to think about Mr. Gold and then returns to the center of the baby to them Belle! Price of magic the ground as the vault 's resting spot, Neal begins it. Key for the truth about why he 's already lost one son and about!

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