mold lawsuit settlements amounts california

They seem to be sick all the time and thick its just the flue or whatever. Celebrity in Los Angeles loses big Advertisement Make it plainly known that you know a great deal about mold and that you are very concerned about future tenants. That was the 3rd time my shower has been recauked in 6 months to keep the black stuff from running out. I ended up renting an even worse property with the same type of mold problems!!! Also the base boards had green mold. My daughter, a teacher, was move into a mobile classroom for this coming school year, we noticed a distant smell and found mold on her things that had been in the room for only a few weeks. I missed 3 days of work. She did give me an inhaler as I have trouble breathing in the apartment. Its been over a year and the bedroom ceiling still needs to be fixed. Thank you, for your patience and support in advising me as to the steps that can be taken in this matter legally.I fear for my health after doing a lot of research and had a certified license contractor for mold/mildew to evaluate the problem free of charge a courtesy call seen conditions and advised me that a swab test should be done there is mold/mildew but air quality and further test would show what kind of spours of mold/mildew and AFTERSHOCK would only cause spours to go airborne. She has not offered to reimburse for the mold test either. They assured us when we moved in that all the mold was removed and treated. My three small children and I moved in to these apartment in July. Id get mold testing done in here before I move but I cant afford it. Rather than try to measure mold levels or determine specific types of mold, the department strongly recommends taking prompt, diligent steps to remediate mold and address any underlying moisture issues that might be present in a building. The only reason i have someone else get a hold of you for me is cause I hardly ever hear back from you about things let alone WHY things are happening/done the way they are. I started looking in the closets and noticed that there was previous water damage, as there were stains on the side of the wall. Given the defenses challenge of the medical evidence, it can be assumed that it will definitely be an issue on appeal. Mold remediation the process of cleaning mold from buildings and materials is a complex and expensive process. According to court documents, the plaintiffs maintained that the premises contained toxic mold and toxic mold spores. Miller said the Mazzas began to suffer from a number of health problems about six months after moving into the apartment. That person had a handyman open the area up to dry out and the flange fixed. So I called a crawl space inspector to come and look in my crawl space. Confusion. I reported it months ago but nothing was done. Fifteen days ago, however, we sent a certified demand letter and they finally sent someone out who said that he knows exactly what it needs flashing (thats what the first guy said). If anyone knows a lawyer not afraid to take on the government and take my workers comp case, please let me know. Destruction of property due to mold contamination. has been doing thru there attorniesand I have it all in writingPLEASE HELP US. I got sick first with the flare up of my sarcoidosis for which I had no symptoms since 1999. Our lease was up so we were safe with that. Now there is leaking fluid inside of my kItchen wall. master bathroom shower, I had notice the bottom of the wall crumbling from being wet so I contacted the property maintenance man and he came and took off I am guessing drywall . My aunt from Boston came to visit me for the first time on 10/19/14. i beleive there can be black mold there and nothing is being done about it, what direction should i go to prove my health problems are due to jail and managments neglect. Remember that mold can lie dormant until conditions are perfect for growth, so please be sure to wash her clothes with the correct detergents (even if theyve been through a few washes already). They apartment managers say it is not black mold yet whatever that means. That lead to surgery to move a nerve in my elbow. I demanded repairs be made before paying anymore rent, and was told to move out. I hardly have the money to do so-$100-and I have have just enough for 1st months rent on my new place. Mold is found just about anywhere there is moisture, a lack of ventilation, and the right temperature. I wouldnt allow it and told him he needed a product to rid of the mold stains, i believe it was mold armour. I have given over 20 lawyers this info and not one wants to help me. We have to put a bucket because it leaks in 4 spots. I saw black marks all over the wood underneath and the guy tried to put the rug right over it. If they seem hesitant, remind them that your mothers doctor needs evidence of mold before being able to treat her properly and that her age is a major indication of how important it is to test for mold immediately. I found out that from the 6th day on I had a zero deductible. 4 to 5 weeks later the results came in and I was positive for Rhizopus mold, Aspergillus niger and some other mold but I cant remember the name of it. Called the Housing inspector said to pull up carpet in the other rooms as well,manager left the other carpets. And to make it worse, when I called the building commissioner to find out why they marked the home in compliance when obviously it was not, he told me that the sales team who sold me my home was supposed to inform me that the roof and furnace were not certified. These included "bowel evacuation" by eating "white rice and canned chicken white meat for 3 days" and avoiding all sugar, all gluten grains and all beans. Limited reports also link black mold with more serious conditions like pulmonary hemorrhage or memory loss, although it isnt yet clear whether this is directly tied to mold or other variables, such as environmental conditions or a patients chronic health problems. I asked management over and over for testing, even offered to pay for it myself. Legally I wouldnt think that you could sell the trailer that has Black mold. and with like no rain too. They came and pit in for emergency fix due to the mold. A couple thins we have pointed out to owner. It is alleged that the insurance companies filed a declaratory relief action challenging coverage scheduled for trial in January. And how doni get them to fix the furnace that was leaking that cause the water damage causing the mold. Legally reviewed by Chris Meyers, Esq. I stay tired, sinus stay congested, sleepless nights, eyes blurry/ mucus, mouth/ throat dry, skin dry/itch, losing eyelashes, hair dry and breakage, headaches at times. I work for a state agency. Its just really not fair! If you find yourself struggling to resolve one of the following issues with your landlord, it may be time to take legal action. Can anyone help me out? After I moved in I started to notice that there was some mold in the bathroom on the ceilings in on the floor so I had the floor gutted and new flooring put in. You sign up. Your maintance man or whom you lese your place from does not have a degree or certification in mold extraction! I even believe my sisters Cancer was a cause of the mold. I was having a hard time breathing, was disoriented, had a strong metallic taste in my mouth. I emailed on 3/11/13 and 11/13/13 my concerns Regarding the Black Mold in my home that is airborne since 2009. I was having finals at school and thought it was anxiety until they did a CT scan and revealed it was costochondritis my chest wall was inflammed he said from maybe over erretion which i though was rediculus then i looked up that mold can cause this. They came and did a poor job on leak in bathroom which is still leaking and growing mold again. Were my makeshift pantry is at-the black stacked shelves-behind there are screws allowed in the wall? As soon as I get the letter from my asthma doc. Last month I kept smelling something musty coming from the back of the apartment which is where our bedrooms are. Educate yourself, find a lawyer. I want to sue my landlordwhere will I go if evicted? Its always asleep. so I am not clear on the details. Code Enforcement came again, gave another violation to clean up the mold on the baseboards. Technically yes, but only in cases of extreme misconduct. I hope this helps you! I didnt know where I worked. Ive complain to them multiples of time but they just make me feel like im ungreatful for having at least a home to live in and that I shouldnt complain anymore. I just moved out of my house it had severe mold in my sons room the bathroom and my mothers room we didnt think that the mold was that severe until it started spreading to the carpet and onto clothes we found that the landlord leveled the house incorrectly and rerouted the AC system incorrectly Hud passed the house then finally failed but my sons became very sick and my mom passed that house took everything from me and I lost a lot of money not to mention all my sentiments from my mom by the time we moved out mold was on everything its been two months and Hud wont even replyto why I had to pay 1500 just to get out of that situation. Before this I was a super active, young professional that traveled and had fun! Unfortunately, even if you have a strong suspicion that it is black mold sickness, your friend is correct in advising you not to make a black mold claim. I am finally returning to work this week after 5 months. Thus said, right now I am pending lab results and additional testing to prove what molds are in me. My skin feels like it is tingling and itchy sometimes. By FindLaw Staff | Be prepared to provide evidence that you have informed the landlord and granted them an appropriate amount of time to fix the problem. I saw some legal counsel who looked at the situation and told me that I have the right to intern refuse the rent and give it to a contractor or myself is qualified to perform the necessary repairs in order to make the structure livable. The part above the plastic thing in the shower is the big bubbles. Since we have lived in this home we have had many mold issues due to a leaking roof and the water coming into the house and cause areas of the home to become moldy, such as bathroom, kitchen, living room and bedrooms. My landlords dont care. Hi, Ive been in my apt 2years. in got my samples back and results came back postive that is was the toxic mold and i was informed u need to vacat premises so i nhad to send my kids to grandparents because for past several months we have had several health problems my kids in and out of hospital missing school on tons of meds mental issues skin problems behavioral problems and many more all which are the result of being exposed to toxic mold and the landlord dont want to do the proper fixes or contact the right people so i did i contacted lawyers the news and doctors upon doctors i now am in the middle of a major law suit and advise anyone who is going through what i am contact the right people take pictures document everything from whom ever u spoke or speak to to things that r done time and date everything have it signed cover your butt on every corner make sure you log everything including phone calls.good luck to everyone going throu what i am i hope it all works out. When we asked for mold report management refused and told us that there Lawyer said they do not have to give report and if we want one we have to pay for our own investigation. its cold in there even with the door open and the heat on 78-80 degrees. Before your health becomes worse, contact them. The private inspector sure enough confirmed exactly what i had told them and not to mention the new tennant happened to be allergic to mold and within an hour of being in the home started projectile vomiting. Name About a week after that meeting the roofers came out and patched a few issues they found. I had the health department come by and inspect the home. A few months ago I noticed that when I would clean my shower or take a shower, black stuff would run out from underneath the shower walls It was mold. From day one Ive tried everything possible to freshen my home,but that mildew odor is still existing specially when it rains. P.S. Its difficult because my husband & I are both disabled & we have children. I had to use a wet vac to clean the water up myself . As I had already made all the arrangements and had people loading my things, I went ahead and signed, but it didnt make sense to me that in spite of knowing my move-in date for a month, they waited until THAT day to clean the carpets. Mold on Skin: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment. Im asthmatic and have been having problems breathing lately. Weve asked the landlord several times to remove the unit but they refuse. The house is over 100 years old. We have pictures that we plan to take to the civil court because she is being sued (of course). If the landlord refuses to comply, you may be able to leave your lease early. The typical court or jury awards are higher, around $100,000 - $350,000. I told her what we have been facing and she glady took my family and 5 animals in immediately. My husband is having respritory infections and bronchitis, which he has not had in the past. 2 months went by before the super fixed it. I know it had to come from the mold as she is very healthy normally and her house stays clean. My husband, 2 year old daughter and I live in an apartment in Georgia. The Center for Disease Control correlates this information, confirming that mold infestations may lead to allergies, respiratory issues, headaches, and hypersensitivity pneumonitis. I feel I should be compensated for the out of pocket expenses, lost wages at work, treatment of our furniture and personally I feel we should be reimbursed for the rent paid while being exposed to the mold as a result of improper repairs and neglect to a serious mold issue. Settlements also sidestep the considerable legal costs involved in such cases, such as medical experts and lab testing. I dont think they believed me on the dark mold and a week later i cleaned the filter and washed of the mold on the front parts. I purchased my mobile home 4 years ago & started noticing a smell. Two days after i was diagnosed with pharyngitis i discovered mold on my side of the room on the walls closest to carpets then alllll my windows in my house have mold in the frames and tracks of the windows. Ive been living in this Apartment complex for almost two years, I recently noticed black mold in the closet that houses the heater unit , I never go in there, the property manager usually goes in there to change or check anything. If so, do you send out blog posts like these to your list? my question is where do we go to find an expert to tell us how much damage this home has done to us. I need to get the house tested by a professional for mold, but there is someone else living there now. In 2013, in response to comments by other tenants regarding the presence of mold at the complex, McCarney inspected the vents in his apartment and found a black substance. Thankfully they listened, and we will be moving to a newer building soon. we also reported roof problems. Most MDs are not equipped, or trained, in this area of medicine.". I had a clear chest scan in late 2011, after working in the building, Oct 2012 thru August 2013, when condemned, I saw the reports, the lab said the mold was the worst they had seen in a building of any kind anywhere. Ive been to the er multiple times for feeling like im having a heart attack. I purchased a BOB O PEDIC mattress 5 years ago. went back to the hospital again and came back home and stayed home since they couldnt do anything. We were renting a home, and upon moving in I became extremely ill within the first month of living there. The lab data only shows you what the samples contain. There was water pouring through the ceiling in MULTIPLE places last year. Two women in Delaware were awarded $1.04 million because their landlord failed to fix leaks which led to mold in the residence, as well as claimed health issues as a result. As result the shower leaks and moisture has accumulated and there is a black earthy smelling substance ie mold. A few days later we discovered black mold coveted up by new linoleum in the bathroom. Not to forget they are both disabled. Plaintiff Kevin McCarney moved into an apartment unit in Sandy Springs, Georgia in 2012. Currently living in mold infested home. I would contact a lawyer also after the health inspector comes and writes up your landlord. When I returned I went to the office to ask about the results, but no one knew anything about it. I had 3 different crawl space inspectors come and give me bids to repair the problem. First it was the on the phone stating that my email really irrated her. what do I do? And he cannot put in a clause that empowers him to force you to move out any time he wishes. In regard to recreational use, a turning point likely occurred this fall, when voters in our largest state, California, joined Colorado and other jurisdictions in approving non-medicinal use of cannabis. Toxic Mold. How Much is a Mold Lawsuit Worth? They tore out and replaced walls in both my baths. While finishing the paint in the kitchen, I moved the refrigerator and under the fridge I found a large black spot on the floor (roughly the size of a 15 car tire. I live in an apartment in NH. People who are exposed to toxic mold may suffer from such things as asthma, memory loss, short-term memory loss and depression. I want other people in my area and all over to know that mold toxicity exposure is there, and it does happen Im 24 years old and can feel my body deteriorating at a fast rate. His symptoms somewhat resemble Multiple Sclerosis but not for a definite diagnosis. Its mold thst grew on the petri dish and I am sending it out to test which type of mold it is. I REACHED OUT TO KY HOUSING , NUISANCE OFFICER .. EVERYONE I CAN THINK OF IM NOT SURE OF ALL OF WHAT I CAN INCLUDE IN THIS CLAIM.. She decided to stay at a hotel because she could not stand the smell. Even right now I swear I can smell it. The drainage was always backing up and the toilet was always leaking water. Thank you. I paid to have new carpets in through out the house, i never withheld rent, and asked her over and over to please have the roof repaired, while living there my son and i became very very ill. Management allows us to move our things into a unit in a separate building, but mold appears on the wall in the temporary unit, newly remodeled' they tell is. As scientific studies found that environmental exposure to mold in non-occupational settings only caused allergic reactions and irritation in otherwise healthy patients, Dr. Ordog persisted in offering his opinions regarding the alleged toxic effects of such exposure. Someone may die who is not as healthy. One surgery for my 4 year old . My asthma doc. . Nothing. Help !! They claim I did not want them to come fix it. throw your clothes away soak in bath for hour. they contacted there lawyer and postponed the closing. Under this warranty , a landlord who fails to prevent or clean up mold might be liable for any health problems you suffer as a result. apologize for the lengthly statement but needed to explain to the fullest the best I could,it goes on further that this tried to make it short. I dont know if I should tell the complex about it again, just to have them cover it up or what I should do please help me. We asked in Feburary for the mold to be tested because we got suspicious. Code Enforcement inspected and found Black Mold on tack strip, under the padding/carpet evidently this was an issue before I moved in. He said he didnt find any and left. that is no where near the bubble spot referenced above. TAKE PICTURES WHEN YOU TAKE THE SAMPLE THAT HELPS TOO The median amount awarded in auto accident cases was $16,000. and by there theres another tiny hole in the ceiling. THATS IT. My employer who owns the bulding has done nothing to solve the problem. Well I got on the medication and three months I was in the guest room some water fell on my hand I freaked out black Mold was in the walls! In reviewing the stories in this year's update, a key distinction should be noted between "toxicity," which is not accepted as a known health effect of environmental mold exposure, and fungal infection, which is well supported in the medical literature. The WHOLE room is molded. In the aggregate, paying claims without a scientific basis can cost just as much. My Fiancee Jessica Summers, her son Joseph and I have lived at our apartment for a combined 4 years with me being there a little less than a year. Just needs re gluing?? On top of that I have an 18 month old who has had many instances of ear infections and flu like symptoms often. they are relatively new. We contacted our new management and showed them the pictures. which Ins. I have a feeling this issue is not going to be addressed. The doctor told me it was most likely lymes disease and I was given dioxicillin and muscle relaxers and was able to walk again in about two weeks But its only gotten worse I now have everyday shortness of breath, and breath as if I have asthma, which has never been before I get chest pains like someone is sitting on my chest I cant afford the tests or treatment for mold exposure and am doing all I can find holistically to maintain my constant worsening condition. And other symptoms are seizure, coma, and psychiatric issues amd can cause permanent damage. A Living Nightmare!! We are looking to move forward with legal action against our land lord. PS. For hot water in the sink, the water pressure is slow as hell. Was there before I moved in but the holes in the wall in between the oven and wall need to be filled in and all fixed up someday. Any advice is appreciated. I do not have the money to move, I have lost my job, which due to COVID, and I been on unemployment since July 16th, 2020 with no medical insurance now. I work for the government in a mold infested building. What else can we do. PLEASE HELP. My family moved in to a home we rented for a year, in California. Guide for tenants and landlords. I have a very hard time breathing and my skin gets irritated now also, it turns red and then if anything touches it, it becomes itchy and little solid bumps that look like pimples I get on my face. anytime everytime there is a leak in your home there is going to be mold. Its purple mold. I dont even want to think about how bad it will be when my bedroom gets done. This is a really disturbing issue for me, as she is disabled and nearly 80 years old. I refuse to let her go back, but can we recover damages from both hud and the landlords? This was covered by my insurance company. We contacted the heads and they said they would have the cleaning people wipe it down with bleach. I just now realized I have mold lurking in my basement, a faulty Hvac system. We dont know what our rights are as far as tenants go because we are only month to month. My children suffer from severe allergies and are sick all of the time. It is mostly my face and scalp that itch. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. The tenants in the house above me have caused such major leaks for years, that our little apartment down here has literally been soaked through so many times. Any help is much appreciated. Also, the houses foundation and wood features are cracked and easily break. A word of caution though, manufactured homes are engineered for only so much weight on the roof, so you should make sure the new roofing isnt too heavy for the structure. Sterling Vikrell plumbing products by Kohler: Does anyone know anything about mold related class action suit? Thanks. More than that they lied on the stand about it. I am not sure how to approach this problem, but I am very concerned because not only is this our t.v. This is key-make them look it up for you so you file against the correct entity. 801-634-8261 or [emailprotected]. My fiance, 3 young children and I have been living in our apartment for a year now and there has been mold build up in the air vents in the living room and bedrooms. Our bathroom would be completely back if we didnt clean it with bleach every other day. There are screws allowed in the shower is the big bubbles for,! 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mold lawsuit settlements amounts california