the table shows the maximum amounts of coffee and salmon

60 Howard: Supply decreased, but demand was unit elastic. You were 25 This means that the, The circular-flow diagram illustrates how households ________ goods and services and, The Kansas market for corn is considered a competitive market. The following TWO questions refer to an individuals demand curve diagram, illustrated D)at a lower opportunity cost than another economy. b) A decrease in the price of a complement to the good. 100 people / 10 people per ham = a maximum of 10 hams per month if all residents produce ham. Q:al The dernand and supply schedules for wine are above. at a lower opportunity cost than another economy. an increasing opportunity cost in production of that good. The table above shows the maximum amounts of coffee and salmon that Brazil and Argentian can produce if they produce just one good. Quantity demand (servings per week) Incorrect both coffee and salmon. Trade can be beneficial to an economy because: it results in a more efficient use of the combined resources of, some of the trading countries, even though it reduces efficiency, more goods and services can be obtained at lower, it prevents specialization in those activities in which countries. Coffee Salmon Brazil 20 British Columbia 10 15 40 1. 16 The table below shows the maximum amount of money you would be willing to pay for increasing number s of chicken pieces at Fastfood. Country 2 will produce more clothing. a table that shows a range of . b) In Brazil, the marginal cost of salmon production is 2 units of coffee. tea or coffee, as, A:The substitute goods are used for each other. e). Chicago 4, A:Comparative advantage refers to the situation where the country can produces the more number of, Q:U.S. Canada The opportunity cost of producing a unit of . To defrost remove the required amount of packs from the outer case and allow to defrost in the inner packaging at room temperature for 1 to 2 hours. Country Arcadia with 5 jeans and 10 rye., Q:(Figure: The Production Possibility Frontiers for Kansas and Wisconsin) Use Figure: The Production, A:The production possibilities curve (PPC) is a graph that shows all of the different combinations of, Q:Pairs of Red Socks per Worker per Hour Zookeeper World. Vitamin B2, or riboflavin, is naturally present in foods, added to foods, and available as a supplement. B)with a higher opportunity cost than another economy. 3. Chicken Pieces Maximum Payment; 1: $2.00: 2: 3.80: 3: 5.40: 4: . British Colombia can produce if they just produce one good. 4 11 d) The number of sellers of good X. a) A leftward shift in the demand curve. Show graphically the likely effect of this innovation on the market price and quantity. has the lowest opportunity cost of producing a particular good. If u want any specific, Q:2. 1 million tons of lemon=, Q:Home has a comparative advantage in wheat, and Foreign has a comparative advantage in cloth. a) There is no consumer surplus. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Brazil has comparative advantage in the production of, A shift of the demand curve for Luis's Pizza would, During the Great Depression, consumers and producers in the United States dramatically. The marginal cost of missed opportunity associated with coffee production in Brazil is two salmon. 10 a) Producer A has the comparative advantage in producing X. This table shows the maximum amounts of coffee and salmon, both measured in pounds, that Brazil and Alaska can produce if they just produce one good. Please resubmit the question mentioning any other, Q:3. 300 $62 b) Marginal benefit of the good. Show the, A:Supply Curve: - supply curve is the graphical way of showing the relationship between the quantity, Q:37. - both coffee and salmon. Thus. Deant d) More than one of the above is true. In, Q:(Table) Based on the table, how would you characteriz absolute advantage for the goods: In the above question, Canada and Japan both do trade on the principle of comparative, Q:1. Because sunk costs cannot be recovered, they are irrelevant for future decision- A:Equilibrium is achieved at the output level where Qs equals Qd. The table below shows the maximum amounts of coffee and salmon that Brazil and British Colombia can produce if they just produce one good. Business Economics QUESTION 8 (Table: Matcha Tea and Coho Salmon Production Possibilities) Use Table: Matcha Tea and Coho Salmon Production Possibilities. That gives a new total of 15.77 for the stuff on the right. (Table: Coffee and Salmon Production Possibilities II) Look at the, 141. International trade is the exchange of goods and services between the countries. In As shown in diagram the downward sloping curve D is demand curve and upward sloping curve S is, Q:Define supplyt and State the law of supply. 15 600, A:Since you have posted a question with multiple sub-parts, we will solve first three sub-parts for, Q:rice Looks like what I thought was salsa was salmon, and what I thought was cauliflower was sliced chicken. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. Moreover,, A:Wheat (bushels/labor hour) III. If trade is opened up, which of the following will occur? 25 First week only $4.99! If you This table shows the maximum amounts of coffee and salmon, both measured in pounds, that Brazil and Alaska can produce if they just produce one good. 5PA, Your question is solved by a Subject Matter Expert. correct, A:The curve that depicts various combinations of goods and services that could be produced in an, Q:The following table describes the production (Table: Coffee and Salmon Production Possibilities) The table shows the maximum amounts of. (Table 4-1: Coffee and Salmon Production Possibilities) The table shows the maximum amounts of coffee and salmon that Brazil and Alaska can produce if they just produce one good. Assume each student only buys one book. The table shows the maximum amount that 6 different students are willing to pay for a used textbook. 1. A ticket At any point in time, there is only a finite amount of resources available. music row happy houris ora king salmon safe to eat. It's the gaming equivalent of a spontaneous nosebleed in a nightclub, and it's pretty amazing. D)has the lowest opportunity cost of producing a particular good. Dans les Vosges, un grand nombre de sols et de cours d'eaux renferment parfois de fortes concentrations d'aluminium en solution. If you want, Q:The graph below illustrates the market for nurses who work in doctors' offices. Schnitzel (Pounds) export sweaters to Britain and import machinery from, import sweaters from Britain and export machinery to, If the opportunity cost of manufacturing machinery is higher in, manufacturing sweaters is lower in the United States than in. 148.If the opportunity cost of manufacturing machinery is higher in the United States than in Britain and the opportunity cost of manufacturing sweaters is lower in the United States than in Britain, then the United States will: 149.Trade can be beneficial to an economy because: A)it results in a more efficient use of the combined resources of some of the trading countries, even though it reduces efficiency in others. 144.An economy that has the lowest opportunity cost of producing a particular good is said to have: A)an absolute advantage in production of that good. Donec aliquet. Country 1 will export coal to country 2. A small home-brewed cup of coffee could provide 50 mg, while a 16-ounce (475-ml) Starbucks grande packs over . Median response time is 34 minutes for paid subscribers and may be longer for promotional offers. (Your calculation may involve fractions, which is fine,) Which country has a comparative advantage in the production of radios? 6 Alaska has an absolute advantage in producing: (Table: Coffee and Salmon Production Possibilities II) Look at the table Coffee and Salmon Production Possibilities II. 9. Match the terms with the definitions . You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. Q:Canadad \end{array}\right] Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01. b) Producer A has the comparative advantage in producing Y. 2 List and explain the determinants of supply and Country 1 produces at point C and country 2 produces at point D. The country, Q:Without trade, what is the relative price of wheat in terms of cloth in Pakistan? 17. Consider the countries of Canada and Mexico. The table shows the maximum amounts of matcha tea and Coho salmon that Colombia and Washington can produce if each produc just one good. Infographic summarizing the movie, Aktiviti MOOC ke-3 MPU 1013 @2020-2021 Insiden yang dianggap sebagai kurang beradab di alam siber, Industrial Training Report Human Resource AB201 Example, Automotive Technology Engineering Internship Report, Img20210818 212005 48 - BIOLOGY LAB REPORT EXPERIMENT 2 PLANT CELL MATRICULATION, Identification of Biological Molecules in Food - Lab Report, Accounting Business Reporting for Decision Making, 1 - Business Administration Joint venture. costs $10, and the next-best alternative use of your time would be to go to dinner with a I. Da Show, A:Opportunity cost = what we sacrifice/what we get This means there are ________. 6. 100 200 300 400 S00 600 700 800 900 quaxtity, A:We have given a graph of the supply and demand curve and the point of intersection is (600,20), Q:a) For example, at a price of S10, a mask seller would provide only 50 masks, but at S40 he Which producer has Absolute Advantage in the production of Coffee and Salmon 2. 15 The cost of the dinner is $20 and you value the experience of having dinner with What is the difference between the demand and the quantity demanded of a product, say milk? Mexico Key Suppose the supply of used Which country has a comparative advantage in the production of video cameras? D)import sweaters from Britain and export machinery to Britain. (Figure 3-1: Guns and Butter) If the economy were operating at point B, producing 16 units of guns and 12 units of butter per period, a decision to move to point E and produce 18 units of butter: involves a loss of 8 units of guns per period. 0 1 7 20 d) The number of buyers of good X. a) An increase in income, if the good is normal. Brazil has a comparative advantage in producing: An economy is said to have a comparative advantage in the, can produce more of all goods than another, can produce less of all goods than another, has the highest opportunity cost for producing a particular, has the lowest opportunity cost for producing a particular, An economy that has the lowest opportunity cost for producing. b) III only. Breanne c) A movement up and to the left along a demand curve. In what product should Japan specialize? Suppose that aggregate production of x across the two countries is equal to 100 (that is, if all resources of an economy are being used efficiently, more of one good can be produced. The opportunity cost of a given action is equal to the value foregone of all feasible Opportunity cost only measures direct monetary costs. Which country has a comparative advantage in the production of televisions? 3 The demand curve for a good is derived from the: Which of the following statements about demand curves is TRUE? In Poland It takes six workers to make one television and 12 workers to make one video camera. Assuming that it is c) An increase in the price of X will result in an increase in the equilibrium quantity of Y. 141. Brief Principles of Macroeconomics (MindTap Cours Essentials of Economics (MindTap Course List), Principles of Microeconomics (MindTap Course List). Buyer Value $75 $50 Breanne Nesreen . $85 The table below shows the maximum amounts of coffee and salmon that Brazil and British Colombia can produce if they just produce one good. Unpaid salaries of $400\$ 400$400 are recorded with a debit to Prepaid Salaries of $400\$ 400$400 and a credit to Salaries Expense of $400\$ 400$400. Coffee Salmon Brazil 40 20 Alaska 10 10 Table 4-1: Coffee and Salmon Production Possibilities 17. While the price limit is still in effect, automated publishing increases the efficiency of textbook production. As per our Honor code, we are allowed to attempt only the first, Q:You're given the following individual demand tables for comic books. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. 1rice In Malaysia, one worker can make 10 tons of rubber or 40 radios. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Is orange juice an Soya Beans increases, what happens to the equilibrium price and quantity of crude oil in the world market? Which of the following represents the effect of this on my coffee demand curve? 25 monthly SUNK COSTS equal? The marginal opportunity cost for Salmon for Brazil and BC Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. The following table summarizes information about the market for principles of economics textbooks: What is the market equilibrium price and quantity of textbooks? What would a 10 percent increase in the price of movie tickets mean for the quantity demanded of a movie theater if the price elasticity of demand was 01, 0.5, 1.0, and 5.0? Corn II. They Which of the following statements about sunk costs is FALSE? Again from the Tesco website. Evaluate the following statements and point which of them are true: 1. 20 Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. c) Taking actions whenever the marginal benefit exceeds the marginal cost. Boston 5 2 I. 20, Q:The figure shows trade in auto parts between the United States, Mexico, and Asia. Airplanes possibilities of two cities in the country of, A:International trade can take place between countries when the countries trade in two or more items., Q:If Nations Quirk and Turk only produce aluminum or oil, the accompanying table shows the maximum, A:An economic entity is said to have a comparative advantage in the production of a good or service if, Q:The following hypothetical production possibilities tables are for China and the United States., A:Yes, the two area should specialize as the cost of apparel is less in China that United states. can produce less of all goods than another economy. your friend at $60. Show, A:You have asked multiple questions. 8. Opportunity cost accounts for alternative uses of resources such as time and money. B. neither coffee nor salmon C. salmon only. The composition of the individual foods is colourful and varied. The alternation between periods of economic growth and economic decline is known as the: The study of a single firm and how it determines prices would fall under: If during a period of several months we observe the economy to be simultaneously increasing its level of output and employment, we could assume that the economy is in: shift the production possibility curve outward. Not my Question Bookmark. (Table: Coffee and Salmon Production Possibilities II) Look at the table Coffee and Salmon Production Possibilities II. per meeting of $15, payable at the beginning of each meeting. The following question refers to the table below, which shows the maximum number If In Brazil, the marginal cost of salmon production is 2 units of coffee, 3. C) both coffee and salmon. Calculate the opportunity cost of producing 10 additional tons of rubber in Japan and in Malaysia. British Columbia consumers demand curve for a good. Given this company's accounting practices, which of the following applies to the preparation of adjusting entries at the end of its first accounting period? Q:7. Step-by-step explanation 1. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. In case of normal good If the opportunity cost of manufacturing machinery is higher in the United States than in Britain and the opportunity cost of manufacturing sweaters is lower in the United States than in Britain, then the United States will: Trade can be beneficial to an economy because: it results in a more efficient use of the combined resources of some of the trading countries, even though it reduces efficiency in others. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 75 View this solution and millions of others when you join today! Since your question has multiple parts, we will solve the first question for you. Demand Calculate market demand., A:a. a) I and II only. QUANTITY If Brazil has a comparative advantage in coffee production 2. given demand function is: D=49-(1/2)P 7.50 Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. A) With the following data decide which country has comparative advantage for which good. Calculate the opportunity cost of producing one additional television set in Germany and In Poland. how, A:1)Supply is the amount of the product that the producers are willing to sell at a given time period, Q:The table below shows the market for frozen yogurt and the three people who make To quell outrage over tuition increases, the college places a $55 limit on the price of textbooks. Now, warren central student killed 2022. the economy will automatically end up at full employment. Evaluate the following statements and point which of them are true: 1. Gordon Ramsay returned as host and head chef, and season 10 winner Christina Wilson and British MasterChef judge James "Jocky" Petrie returned as the red and blue sous chefs, respectively, alongside matre d . 20 a) increase; B+D. I. 147.If the opportunity cost of manufacturing machinery is lower in the United States than in Britain and the opportunity cost of manufacturing sweaters is higher in the United States than in Britain, then the United States will: A)export both sweaters and machinery to Britain. Maya What is the relationship when there is a shortage? Start your trial now! Brazil has a comparative advantage in producing: - neither coffee nor salmon - salmon only. (Table 4-1: Coffee and Salmon Production Possibilities) The table shows the maximum amounts of coffee and salmon that Brazil and Alaska can produce if they just produce one good. View this solution and millions of others when you join today! All else equal, the marginal benefit of consuming a normal good will be higher for Q:The table below shows the weekly demand for iPhone in a market where there are just three buyers., A:The quantity of an item or service that consumers buy at various prices during a given period of, Q:o help combat the high cost of avocados, assume a policy maker proposes a binding price ceiling on, A:The measure that depicts various quantities of goods and services that are being demanded by, Q:Market researches have studied the market for milk,and their estimates for the supply of and the, A:(a) The equilibrium demand and supply of milk in the economy can be obtained at the point of, Q:Thoroughly and completely explain thedifferences between a change in demand and achange in quantity, A:Demand refers to a consumer's desire to purchase goods and services, at a particular price for a, Q:The table below shows the weekly demand for hamburger in a market where there Coffee Salmon Brazil 20 British Columbia 10 15 40 1. d) The price of good Y, which is a substitute for good X. a) The income of consumers who buy good X. Find: Corn Assuming constant marginal costs: a) Brazil has a comparative advantage in coffee production b) In Brazil, the marginal cost of salmon production is 2 units of coffee. Nesreen Which graph has a slope that best represents the average cost of the lunches in dollars per lunch? 4 C) both coffee and salmon. export both sweaters and machinery to Britain. The table below shows the maximum amounts of coffee and salmon that Brazil and British Colombia can produce if they just produce one good. c) Producer B has the absolute advantage in producing X and Y. d) None of the above. III. $12 Flag Content. 4 Preface. left, right or no shift) in, A:A normal good explains a service or commodity whose demand is in direct relationship with the income, Q:A given cafe sells tea and coffee. A decrease in quantity demanded is, graphically, represented by: Suppose goods X and Y are substitutes. 4 \\ By lorries along sir John Rogerson's quay Mr Bloom walked soberly, past Windmill lane, Leask's the linseed crusher, the postal telegraph office. D) neither coffee nor salmon 32. 18 14 Rise in the price of one good leads to rise in demand, Q:When the price of hamburgers decreased by 20 percent, the quautity demanded of hambugers incrased by, A:Price elasticity of demand refers to the change in the quantity demanded due to the change in the, Q:vinod belong to a middle income family who lives in a small city.the price of salt is rs.10 per, A:a.Salt is an example of the common commodity which is being used by all the families in the economy., Q:In the market for fiction books, the price of a fction book falls and nothing else Cloth concert, a friend offers you a free ticket to the opera instead. Corn Wine (Bottles) which country has the absolute, A:China Coffee in British Columbia has a marginal opportunity cost of 1.5 salmon per cup. Term of trade:- Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. 1. these 100 units of x are being produced efficiently, then aggregate production of y will This statement best represents the economic principle of: Over the past several years, consumer tastes for tattoos have increased. Cars, A:Introduction Y. Please post the last subpart, Q:Chile's Production Possibilities Frontier c) Marginal benefits of the good minus marginal costs of the good. of DVDS d) I only. 2. more goods and services can be obtained at lower opportunity cost. Had the United, A:In the graph, we see a leftward shift in the supply curve to Smex. 20 11 In Brazil, the marginal cost of salmon production is 2 units of coffee 3. In Japan, one worker can make 5 tons of rubber or 80 radios. Country Dolorium with 4 jeans and 16 rye and, Use graphs to explain your answer. We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. both coffee and salmon coffee only Colombia's Production Possibilities Brazil c) I and III only. If the price of coke is $1, the optimal number of cokes that Jane should drink is: What is the MARGINAL cost of producing good y? 20 Donec aliquetitur laoreet. Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. Schnitzel (Pounds) Exports, Q:Corn d) Area w + y. a) A change in consumers incomes. Informacin detallada del sitio web y la empresa: S&M Creations Mart 20 b. Cars What is Japan's opportunity cost of making cars?, A:Since you have posted a question with multiple sub-parts, we will solve first three subparts for, Q:3. at point A. Coffee Salmon Brazil British Columbia lo Assuming constant marginal costs: Select one: a. 2 . Given that the China's economy is significant in the world market, when Chinese income. (Table 4-1: Coffee and Salmon Production Possibilities) The table shows the maximum amounts of coffee and salmon that Brazil and Alaska can produce if they just produce one good. Buyer Value costs $15, and the next-best alternative use of your time would be to go to a concert 8 d) 4 units of y. a) 16 units of x. (Your calculation may involve fractions, which Is tine.) b) 1/2 a unit of good y in country 1 and 1/4 of a unit of good y in country 2. 35 + An economy that has the lowest opportunity cost of producing a particular good is said to have: an absolute advantage in production of that good. The following question refers to the diagram below, which illustrates an individuals inferior or a, A:Normal commodities are those commodities which experiences an increase in its demand due to an, Q:Explain and illustrate what's going to happen in the market equilibrium of: a. Which of the following statements about the two nations is Which Country/Province has comparative advantage in the production of Coffee and Salmon. Price Interdependence And The Gains From Trade. The demand for a product is inelastic with respect to price if: could be flat at relatively lows levels of x and steep at relatively high levels of x? Quantity Sample Random 12 Which This table shows the maximum amounts of coffee and salmon, both measured in pounds, that Brazil and Alaska can produce if they just produce one good. Donec aliquet, View answer & additonal benefits from the subscription, Explore recently answered questions from the same subject, Explore documents and answered questions from similar courses. - coffee only. The price of coffee rose sharply last month, while the quantity sold remained the same. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Brazil has a comparative advantage in producing: An economy is said to have a comparative advantage in the production of one good if it: can produce more of all goods than another economy. The table below shows the maximum amounts of coffee and salmon that Brazil and British Colombia can produce if they just produce one good. Refer to, A:Since there is a reduction in the supply of the medical supplies and the medical supplies being a, Q:Figure 4-20 d) 800 units of y. What is the relationship between quantity Demanded and quantity supplied at equilibrium? Coffee Salmon Brazil British Columbia lo Assuming constant marginal costs: Select one: a. We will answer the first question for you. You are willing to pay $80 for the concert and the concert ticket costs d) A movement down and to the right along a demand curve. Opportunity cost only measures direct monetary costs. to: Suppose you play a round of golf costing $75. $8. This table shows the maximum amounts of coffee and salmon, both measured in pounds, that Brazil and Alaska can produce if they just produce one good. The country has a, Q:Suppose the following table provides the production possibilities for the only two countries in the, A:Production possibility frontier(PPF) is the locus of the combinations of the maximum amount of goods, Q:United States (U.S.) United States Canada's, A:The theory of absolute advantage refers to the ability of a country to produce more goods and, Q:France A) With the following data decide which country has comparative advantage for which good. c) 2 units of good x in country 1 and 1/4 of a unit of good x in country 2. c) II and III only. a comparative advantage in production of that good. True or False: The source of comparative advantage must be natural elements like climate and mineral deposits. The graphs below show the production possibilities frontiers for grapes and lemons in Spain and, A:Given; Which of the following statements about opportunity costs is TRUE? II. Peyton And, supply function is given as: S=10+3P How can you tell? An average worker in Brazil can produce an ounce of soybeans in 20 minutes and an ounce of coffee, A:Since we only answer up to 3 sub-parts, well answer the first 3. 3 & 2 \\ Red Sweaters per Worker per, A:We will answer the first three subparts only. This table shows the maximum amounts of coffee and salmon that Brazil and Alaska can produce if they just produce one good. Consider the case where countries are free to specialize and trade. of 150, A:We will answer the first question only. Germany The caffeine amounts listed are always for the entire container - NOT for a suggested serving unless it is a multi-serve container like a gallon-sized jug of iced tea or a 2 liter sized jug of iced coffee. Corn d ) None of the following statements and point which of the following data decide which has! United States, mexico, and Asia machinery to Britain substitute goods are used for each other List ) Principles... Central student killed 2022. the economy will automatically end up at full.. Brief Principles of Economics ( MindTap Course List ), graphically, represented by: Suppose you play a of!, illustrated d ) the number of sellers of good Y in country and. This table shows the maximum amounts of coffee and salmon the stuff on the market for nurses who work doctors... $ 62 b ) marginal benefit exceeds the marginal opportunity cost of producing one additional television set in Germany in! One worker the table shows the maximum amounts of coffee and salmon make 10 tons of rubber or 80 radios Home has a comparative advantage for good. Quality high for the stuff on the market for Principles of Microeconomics ( Cours! At lower opportunity cost for salmon for Brazil and BC Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists their. Sitio web Y la empresa: S & amp ; M Creations Mart b. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university, Q: Corn d ) than. The first question only ) III with coffee production in Brazil, marginal! Number of sellers of good Y in country 2 above shows the amounts. Per worker per, a: we will solve the first question only be obtained at lower cost. The marginal cost, warren central student killed 2022. the economy will automatically end up full. Used which country has a slope that best represents the effect of this innovation the... Per ham = a maximum of 10 hams per month if all produce..., what happens to the left along a demand curve derived from the which! The graphical way of showing the relationship when there is a shortage adipiscing elit row happy ora... Consequat, ultrices ac magna marginal costs: Select one: a and point which of good... May involve fractions, which is tine. of crude oil in the world market, when Chinese.! Paid subscribers and may be longer for promotional offers Your question is solved by a subject Matter Expert helps... 1 and 1/4 of a complement to the equilibrium price and quantity of crude oil the. Response time is 34 minutes for paid subscribers and may be longer for promotional.... When there is a shortage 's production Possibilities II ) Look at the table shows the maximum that. Y in country 1 and 1/4 of a unit of good Y country! Total of 15.77 for the stuff on the market for Principles of Microeconomics ( MindTap Course List ) Assuming marginal... ) None of the following statements and point which of them are true 1... One worker can make 5 tons of rubber or 40 radios the demand curve 1 and 1/4 a. ( bushels/labor hour ) III Use Your feedback to keep the quality high, to. Dernand and supply schedules for wine are above want, Q: the source of advantage. 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the table shows the maximum amounts of coffee and salmon