treatment plan goals and objectives for homelessness

Eligible applicants for the Basic Center and Transitional Living Programs are states, units of local government, a combination of units of local government, and public or private nonprofit agencies, organizations or institutions. 0000174231 00000 n Promote family reunification and mediation supports. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services The final development of major significance came in the release of the Administrations budget for fiscal year 2003, where President George W. Bush officially endorsed ending chronic homelessness as a goal of his Administration. o Encourage national intergovernmental organizations to hold sessions with a homelessness policy focus at their annual and/or winter meetings (e.g., U.S. Conference of Mayors, National Association of Counties, National Conference of State Legislatures, National Governors Association, National Council of State Governments, National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors, etc.). It is also assumed that, to the extent the strategies seek to impose any requirements on applicants as conditions of given awards, before doing so, programs will confirm that their authorizing authority and program/administrative regulations permit such imposition of conditions. hb```b``w``c`haab@ !;",a#:zrsm`SN )(X\mWG\L: =l^JP:.1SDN>OKrd Both parties work together to create a shared vision and set attainable goals and objectives. endstream endobj 205 0 obj <>stream The matrix can then be used as an analytical tool to examine the Departments progress related to the activities by goal or strategy, as well as by agency. Reduce the risk of homelessness. The plan calls for engaging key stakeholders in a collaborative community-response model, with critical attention given to meet the needs of diverse communities including Aboriginal people, youth with disabilities, newcomers and LGBTQ2S youth., Adapting Your Practice: Treatment and Recommendations for Homeless Patients with HIV/AIDS (HRSA), A clinical guidebook written by clinicians with extensive experience caring for individuals who are homeless and who routinely adapt their medical practice to foster better outcomes for these patients. 1998; 26(2): 207-232. A position paper of the Society for Adolescent Medicine. !N*G gWu&vTPlR4e^U Wf%by. The Mental Health Block Grant provides funds to States to create comprehensive, community-based systems of mental health care. The funds are intended to improve access to community-based health care delivery systems for adults with serious mental illnesses and children with serious emotional disturbances. ADD- Administration on Developmental Disabilities, ACF Administration for Children and Families, AHIC American Health Information Community, ASL Office of the Assistant Secretary for Legislation, ASPE Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, ASRT Office of the Assistant Secretary for Resources and Technology, CARE (as in Ryan White CARE Act) Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency, CCHIT Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology, CFBCI Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, CHI Chronic Homelessness Initiative (also referred to as the Collaborative Initiative to Help End Chronic Homelessness), CMHSBG Community Mental Health Services Block Grant, CMS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, GBHI Grants for the Benefit of Homeless Individuals (also referred to as Treatment for Homeless), HHS U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, HISPC Health Information Security and Privacy Collaboration, HITSP Health Information Technology Standards Panel, HIV/AIDS Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, HMIS Homeless Management Information Systems, HOPE Homeless Outreach Projects and Evaluation, HRSA Health Resources and Services Administration, HUD U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, ICH U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness, IGA Office of Intergovernmental Affairs, MCHBG Maternal and Child Health Block Grant, MCHS Maternal and Child Health Services, NIAAA National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, NIMH National Institute of Mental Health, NREPP National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices, NSHAPC - National Survey of Homeless Assistance Providers and Clients, PADD- Protection & Advocacy for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities, PATH Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness, RHY Programs for Runaway and Homeless Youth, SAMHSA Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, SAPTBG Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant, SCHIP State Childrens Health Insurance Program, SOAR SSI and SSDI Outreach, Access and Recovery, SSA U.S. Social Security Administration, SSDI Social Security Disability Insurance, TANF Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Appendix D: Membership of the Secretarys Work Group, Principal Deputy/ Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, Office of the Secretary, Richard Campanelli, Counselor for Human Service Policy, Cynthia Kenny, Policy Coordinator, Office of the Executive Secretary, Josephine Robinson, Director, Office of Community Services, Marsha Werner, Social Services Program Specialist, Office of Community Services, Edwin Walker, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy & Programs, Harry Posman, Executive Secretary, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Aging, Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Maria Cora Chua Tracy, Disabled and Elderly Health Programs Group, Center for Medicaid and State Operations, Health Resources and Services Administration, Lyman Van Nostrand, Director, Office of Planning and Evaluation, Lynnette Araki, Program Analyst, Office of Planning and Evaluation, Denise Juliano-Bult, Chief, Systems Research Program, Division of Services and Integration Research, National Institute of Mental health, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Elaine Parry, Director of Special Initiatives, Immediate Office of the Administrator, Charlene Le Fauve, Chief, Co-Occurring and Homeless Activities Branch; Acting Chief, Data Infrastructure Branch, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, Larry Rickards,Chief, Homeless Programs Branch, Center for Mental Health Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Resources and Technology, Kathleen Heuer, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Performance and Planning and Acting Chief Information Officer, Richard Thurman, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Budget, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Legislation, Barbara Pisaro Clark, Deputy Director, Office of Human Services Legislation, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, Barbara Broman, Deputy to the Deputy Assistant Secretary, Human Services Policy, Diana Merelman, Office of General Counsel, James Mason, Senior Advisor to the Director, Intergovernmental Affairs, Heather Ransom, Director, Division of Property Management, Peggy Halpern, Policy Analyst, Office of Human Services Policy, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, Anne Fletcher, Social Science Analyst, Office of Human Services Policy, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, Flavio Menasc, Presidential Management Fellow, Office of Human Services Policy, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, Members of the Strategic Action Plan Subcommittee, Lynnette Araki, Program Analyst, Office of Planning and Evaluation, Health Resources and Services Administration, Capt. Territories, SSBG does not collect specific data on amounts expended on homelessness. Grant funding from HHS, VA, and HUD provides permanent housing, substance abuse and mental health services, primary care services, and case management services for enrolled clients. It is assumed throughout this document that no strategies, or activities, will be implemented without seeking and attaining all relevant legislative and/or regulatory changes needed to ensure that all programs within HHS continue to operate within their given authority and mission. {Poorly stated goal z The district's Title III program will reduce the number of ELLs retained. Strategy 2.2 Improve the eligibility review process. We adhere to generally accepted accounting standards in budget development, monitoring and reporting, and have an outstanding record of compliance with financial and contractual requirements. C0gbn m~`IQBB:Bw12V0D0. HCH works within guidelines for the Community Health Center (Health Center) program. progress) when existing goals/objectives are met and if the client's condition changes (at a minimum, annually). 0000002207 00000 n It also did not address how HHS data activities would be coordinated with other federal departments important data activities related to homelessness, such as the creation and utilization of HUDs Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). Eligible programs and activities include: (1) outreach services; (2) screening and diagnostic treatment services; (3) habilitation and rehabilitation services; (4) community mental health services; (5) alcohol or drug treatment services; (6) staff training; (7) case management services; (8) supportive and supervisory services in residential settings; (9) referrals for primary health services, job training, educational services, and relevant housing services; and (10) a prescribed set of housing services. Strategy 3.6 Provide training and technical assistance on homelessness, including chronic homelessness, to mainstream service providers at the state and community level. Young Aboriginal people are receiving services with contextual considerations, including pathways into homelessness for Aboriginal people. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Homelessness Website: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Homelessness Website: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Homelessness Website: Four medications received a conditional recommendation for use in the treatment of PTSD: sertraline, paroxetine, fluoxetine and venlafaxine. Since 2003, the number of homeless families living in southern and eastern county has decreased by 43%. Specifically, Strategy 3.1 in the new plan highlights the importance of identifying risk and protective factors to prevent episodes of homelessness for at-risk populations. Final report published September 2005 and available at:, Using Medicaid to Support Working Age Adults with Serious Mental Illness in the Community: A Handbook (ASPE), The purpose of this primer is to describe the Medicaid program in the delivery of services to adults with serious mental illnesses; specifically, the primer explains how existing Medicaid options and waivers are used by states to finance a broad range of community services and supports for adults with serious mental illnesses, and to demonstrate what aspects of state-of-the-art community services and supports for this population are funded by Medicaid. The population who experiences homelessness is a heterogeneous group, and includes single individuals, families with children, and unaccompanied runaway and homeless youth. Maintain housing:, Achieving the Promise: Transforming Mental Health Care in America (SAMHSA). The objectives under each goal further speak to the nuances of housing . Youth who have not reached the age of 18 years during an 18 month stay may remain in the program for an additional 180 days or until their 18th birthday, whichever comes first. Now the question on your mind would be regarding how to write a treatment plan. Each goal and objective will need a number or a letter that identi-fies it. Additionally, the new Goal 4 (which will be discussed in more detail below) also takes a broader approach and applies to the whole of the HHS clientele, including individuals and families. Provide housing retention services including household budgeting and landlord mediation assistance. This Plan allows the Secretary to highlight the accomplishments that have been achieved over the past several years, as well as to chart a course for future activities for the Department that builds on the current efforts. The U.S. Conference of Mayors Hunger and Homelessness Survey of 23 cities (2006), report that requests for shelter from homeless families increased by 5% over the previous year, with 59% of the 23 cities reporting an increase. Introduce strategic education and awareness campaigns to support plan implementation. Home - Office of Supportive Housing - County of Santa Clara o Promote joint initiatives through interagency cooperative agreements, pooled funding for special projects or evaluations of mutual interest or benefit. These changes address the following issues: In addition to broadening the plan to address homelessness experienced by families with children, the new plan also incorporates populations who areat-risk of homelessness. We measure our progress both quantitatively and qualitatively with clear procedures for recording and tracking data. How to . Reviewing key research and programmatic activities accomplished under each of the three original goals of the strategic action plan provide an opportunity to measure the progress of the Department in a quantitative manner and provide context for the revisions that are ultimately laid forth in the 2007 Strategic Action Plan. Subsequently, HHS, HUD and VA explored goals and activities of mutual interest and concluded that collaboration was best achieved by adopting a specific and targeted focus on the issue of long term and repeated homelessness. Appendix B: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Resources on Homelessness, HHS Web Resources Relevant to Homelessness. o Promote the inclusion of homeless assistance programs among the entities conducting eligibility and enrollment functions for mainstream programs. 0000005843 00000 n Sign up to receive the weekly Homeless Hub newsletter, featuring the most recent Canadian research delivered directly to your inbox. Evaluation of the Collaborative Initiative to Help End Chronic Homelessness (ASPE). %%EOF It includes several elements that should be considered in any plan involving Indigenous people, as outlined in the Calgary Plan to End Aboriginal Homelessness (note that the original input from the ASCHH was specific to Aboriginal people, not Indigenous hence we kept the original term): In response to these recommendations, Calgarys Youth Plan places specific emphasis on Aboriginal youth homelessness in Calgary. As of October 2006, there were 91 active GBHI grants. A policy change that took effect in September of 2006 expands the allowable uses of surplus real property to include permanent supportive housing. For example, Teresa might say, ''I want to feel less . American Journal of Public Health; 1998; 88(11): 1651-1657. PRIORITIES AND GUIDING PRINCIPLES . Very often, persons experiencing homelessness may be eligible for services funded through these programs. If taking a look . You and your mental health provider will work together to define your long-term objectives from treatment. A leading concern was for the services funded by HHS to be more accessible to eligible homeless persons residing in HUD-funded housing. Developing Program Goals and Measurable Objectives Program goals and objectives establish criteria and standards against which you can determine program performance. Report is available at, Adapting Your Practice: Treatment and Recommendations for Homeless Patients with HIV/AIDS Pocket Guidebook (HRSA), This condensed pocket guidebook on adapting clinical guidelines for homeless clients with HIV/AIDS was a project of the HIV/AIDS Bureau Homelessness and Housing Workgroup in revising the original manual, Adapting Your Practice: Treatment and Recommendations for Homeless Patients with HIV/AIDS (2003), developed by the Health Care for the Homeless (HCH) Clinicians Network. Thirty-six percent of clients had schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders; 59% of persons served had a co-occurring substance use disorder in addition to a serious mental illness; and almost 69% of clients served were living on the street or in emergency shelters. Head Start serves homeless families eligible for the program in areas such as nutrition, developmental, medical and dental screenings, immunizations, mental health and social services referrals, and transportation. 0000002432 00000 n Remember that determining the treatment plan that fits best for any given patient is a long process of trial and error, one that can involve extensive medical history screening and other processes. o Support empirical studies and demonstration projects that develop and test the effectiveness of outreach and engagement strategies for various populations. Five Policy Academies focused on chronic homelessness, and in response to demand, the remaining four Academies focused on homeless families with children. Frequently Asked Questions about Measurable Goals and . The programs and activities sponsored by the Department are administered by eleven operating divisions that work closely with state, local, and tribal governments. The report was published in 2005 and is available at:, Improving Medicaid Access for People Experiencing Chronic Homelessness: State Examples(CMS). Practical Lessons: The 1998 National Symposium on Homelessness Research. HHS is the largest grant-making agency in the federal government and the nation's largest health insurer. endstream endobj 200 0 obj <> endobj 201 0 obj <> endobj 202 0 obj <> endobj 203 0 obj <> endobj 204 0 obj <>stream Evaluation of Chronic Homelessness Policy Academies (SAMHSA & HRSA). For example, the Plan may impact HHS agencies strategic and performance plans, program activities, training, data collection/performance measurement, and/or budgets. 0000029836 00000 n PC.4.40 - The organization develops a plan for care, treatment, and services that reflects the assessed needs, strengths, and li it tilimitations. There are approximately 3,000 transitional housing beds and 800+ emergency housing beds being successfully operated by homeless assistance providers receiving properties pursuant to Title V of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. It's generally treatment plan depression goals objectives chat therapy, a brand-new method of discovering how to assume, behave, as well as technique life in a positive method by recognizing and also assessing automated thoughts that can cause adverse behavior/outcomes. methadone maintenance therapy). Vulnerable groups who may be at-risk of homelessness include individuals with disabilities, immigrants, persons leaving institutions (e.g., incarceration- including juvenile detention facilities, inpatient care for psychiatric or chronic medical conditions), youth aging out of foster care, frail elderly, persons experiencing abuse, and disaster victims. 0000133949 00000 n 6.7 Writing the Goal, Objective and Interventions for Medical Conditions and Medical . The Program supports direct care; core public health functions such as resource development, capacity and systems building; population-based functions such as public information and education, knowledge development, outreach and program linkage; technical assistance to communities; and provider training. Note: Table reports funding only for targeted homeless programs and does not include funding for research (NIH, OASPE, SAMHSA, HRSA, ACF); *Includes $4 million in one-time CMHS funds to support competitively-awarded supplements for chronic homelessness; ** The Title V/Surplus Property program involves the transfer of surplus federal property from HHS to a homeless assistance provider, and the program does not have a line item budget. The second document that was reviewed was the activities matrix developed by the Secretarys Work Group on Ending Chronic Homelessness. The purpose of the Health Care for the Homeless (HCH) program operated by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) is to provide primary health care, substance abuse treatment, emergency care with referrals to hospitals for in-patient care services and/or other needed services, and outreach services to assist difficult-to-reach homeless persons in accessing care, and provide assistance in establishing eligibility for entitlement programs and housing. (Appell, 2006; Emery, 2004) Predictors of Homelessness Among Families in New York City: From Shelter Request to Housing Stability. 1992; 13(8): 717-726. Some of them may be long term goals, that will be achieved after treatment, hence leading to maintain progress of treatment. You will need to identify the goals and objectives of the program component or intervention you plan to evaluate. 0000029484 00000 n The activities developed to meet this goal centered on strengthening outreach and engagement activities, improving the eligibility review process, exploring way to maintain program eligibility, and improving the transition of clients from targeted homeless programs to mainstream service providers. The Supportive Housing Implementation Resource Kit is under development and will be piloted in 2007. Each year, approximately one percent of the U.S. population, some 2-3 million individuals, experiences a night of homelessness that puts them in contact with a homeless assistance provider, and at least 800,000 people are homeless in the United States on any given night (Burt et al 2001). This includes people who face barriers in accessing services because they have difficulty paying for services, have language or cultural differences, or because there is an insufficient number of health professionals/resources available in their community. To date, every state (including the District of Columbia) and U.S. 0000035906 00000 n HHS administers more grant dollars than all other federal agencies combined and handles more than one billion insurance claims per year. Successful completion of these tasks positivel y impacts _____ _____ _____ all family members; DT can help the family avoid typical impasses and successfully complete its tasks. The principals that form the philosophical underpinnings of the Secretarys 500 Day Plan are applicable to persons experiencing homelessness, particularly the first principal which reads care for the truly needy, foster self-reliance. Table 2. Additional appendices provide a list of commonly used acronyms (Appendix C), a membership list of the Secretarys Work Group, including the staff list of the Strategic Action Plan Subcommittee (Appendix D), and finally, a crosswalk of the goals and strategies included in the 2003 and 2007 Plans (Appendix E). Develop the infrastructure and governance necessary to implement the youth plan. The priorities focus on fve key areas: 1. The purpose of the Basic Center Program is to establish or strengthen locally-controlled, community and faith-based programs that address the immediate needs of runaway and homeless youth and their families. Measures to improve coordination and integration among key stakeholders serving homeless and at risk youth can include: An example of a youth plan that focuses on Indigenous youth is Calgarys 2011 Youth Plan. Affordable Housing: Include brief summary of any issues related to obtaining housing. Grants for the Benefit of Homeless Individuals (GBHI), Treatment for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness (TIEH), and Cooperative Agreements to Benefit Homeless Individuals(CABHI), HRSA's Healthcare for the Homeless (HCH), ACF's . What Are Goals and Objectives? In addition, it includes the goals of the medical sessions. Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness(PATH). This matrix includes key activities that the agencies are implementing related to homelessness and is organized by the goals and strategies outlined in the strategic action plan. The amount of funding for the PADD program in an individual State is based on a formula that takes into account the population, the extent of need for services for persons with developmental disabilities, and the financial need of the State. Block grant funds are used by each state as they determine their needs; therefore, the program does not require states to report on expenditures related to homelessness. 85% of them reported using new parenting strategies to support their child's healthy development. Treatment Plan Goals Download Treatment planning is a team effort between the patient and the counselor. During consultations for the plans development, the Aboriginal Standing Committee on Housing and Homelessness provided the backbone supports leading the work (Calgary Homeless Foundation). This PolicyAcademyfollow-up includes providing technical assistance to the states and territories around effective implementation of their Action Plans and sustaining their momentum in addressing homelessness in their respective states and territories. 0000085936 00000 n With the new software, we will be able to get realtime data about our service delivery efforts and relate them directly to our intended targets, milestones and outcomes. In support of the articulated Administration goal of ending chronic homelessness, senior leadership within HHS established a Departmental work group in 2002 and tasked the group with developing a strategic action plan that would articulate a comprehensive approach for enabling the Department to better serve individuals experiencing chronic homelessness. Connection to mainstream resources including services for further assessment and treatment. o Continue interagency collaborations between HHS program agencies to develop tools that are designed for use by both homeless service providers as well as individuals who are homeless. 0000066650 00000 n The homelessness-related objectives contained within it are set out below and this is supported by a detailed Action Plan that will be subject to monitoring and review. In addition, child support programs can help homeless noncustodial parents, through outreach, address any outstanding child support issues (perhaps helping them with the order modification process) and connecting them with organizations that can help them with basic skills, such as how to seek and maintain employment, and understand issues surrounding court and child support agency processes. The 2007 Plan has both internal and external audiences and thus may be utilized in various ways. The following is a list of HHS programs (both targeted and mainstream) that provide services to homeless families: Expanding the scope of the strategic action plan to encompass family and youth homelessness will formalize the Departments already ongoing efforts to assist homeless families with children and youth, as well as tie the work of the Departments agencies closely to the Secretarys goals and objectives for the Department as a whole. States have the flexibility to spend SSBG funds on a variety of services. o Inventory mainstream HHS programs, identifying barriers to access for persons experiencing homelessness, and propose strategies to reduce and eliminate these barriers to services. o Encourage applicants use of grant funds to support community infrastructure development efforts, including expenses for staff associated with partnership activities, incentive funds, and other funding mechanisms that can support infrastructure development efforts. 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treatment plan goals and objectives for homelessness