when najashi died

His first name was As-ham, the king of Habasha, Abyssinia.' Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Umm Salamasaid: By Allah, when Al-Najashi and his bishops heard the verses of Quran, he wept until his tears moistened his beard, and his bishops cried until their tears moistened their Scriptures. The two envoys set out to Abyssinia until they reached Al-Najashi, whose hospitality and security we [the Muslims] were enjoying. Help support Operation Once in a Lifetime's annual "Closure Trip" to Arlington National Cemetery, which gives both our Active Duty Service Members and Veterans an opportunity to visit their fallen brothers and sisters for their very first time. responded to his dawah and embraced Islam. A Mercy to the Universe. They take the view, that the Najashi had embraced Islam in the time of the Messenger , and continued to rule by the system that he used to rule with before he, had embraced Islam, even though it was a non-Islamic system. Who was the man on the first level of Paradise *? So then later they can inherit the kingship and the Abyssinian people will remain for a long time without any infighting between them. An-Najashi was the title of the king of Abyssinia. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Every divine book, previous to Quran, had a discussion about the noble manners of Prophet Muhammad and many rulers showed up the courage to accept Islam. - Our Prophet 3 - The Mission Begins, When Did Abu Bakr & His Family Become Muslims? Allah hasnt given them permission to fight back, and anyway, they were so few that fighting back would mean a total extinction of Islam. But if they are not so, then I shall offer them my protection and hospitality as long as they wish to remain with me.. Amr bin AlAas and Abdullah ibn Abi Rabiya were sent to arrest the Muslims from Abyssinia and to bring them back. They take the view. This is because participating in a kufr rule, which applies the systems and laws of kufr, is consolidation of the, systems of kufr and not destruction of them. He is rather the, Najashi who assumed the power in Habashah after the death of the. What are the Pillars of Islamic Character? Najashi then affirmed that he would never give up the Muslims. Umm Salama said: So Abdullah Ibn Abi Rabia and Amr Ibn Al-Aas left the court of the King, humiliated and rejected, while we lived with the King, in the best hospitality and protection. Related by Imam Ahmad with a good (hasan) narration. They said, This man is going against the culture of bowing you in your court. It was a matter of immense courage not to bow before the ruler, as it is a form of shirk. When the Prophet was in Madinah, right after the Battle of Khaybar, he came back. After knowing about how Prophet Muhammad treated non-Muslims, if I were asked these questions, I would answer like this: A human being, an honored creation of Allah. Rather I will send him away from your land.. An-Najashi) meant by his saying: Allah did not take any bribe from me, when He restored my kingdom to me, such that I should accept any bribe to keep my kingdom; And Allah did not do what the people wanted with regard to me, such that I should obey the people against Him? So I said; No.. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. [1], Armah's silver coins have an unusual reverse, showing a structure with three crosses, the middle one gilded. So, he stayed there for 15 years. Quraysh decided to send two powerful men with valuable and much sought after gifts from Makkah to Al-Najashi and to every single member of his clergy. Narrated Abu Hurayra, may Allah be pleased with him: The Messenger of Allah informed us about the death of An-Najashi on the day he died. Did the Rasool (saw) accept the Najashi, who had embraced Islam, to rule by the law of kufr? What would the answers be like, if these same questions were put to the prophets? What do the parents perceive as their role to the Day Care worker? has revealed. Concerning An-Najashis [555] refusal to surrender the Muslims in his land to the polytheists from Quraysh, and his refusal to accept gifts to bribe him to do that: Az-Zuhri said: I had this Hadith narrated by Urwa ibn Az-Zubayr from Umm Salama ( ). The rebellion or the revolution does not become successful. What a tremendous honor, to have the Prophet pray funeral prayers on someone despite him not being there! They went out to the mountain of Uhud to await the arrival of their enemies. Then when it was the evening of that same day some clouds from the autumn clouds appeared. Allah's Apostle informed (the people) about the death of An-Najashi on the very day he died. So we believed in him, affirmed his message, and followed his commandment. Najashi even confirmed this. He said that when the Prophet received the news that An-Najashi died, he invoked Allah to forgive him. One Najashi, namely As-hamah ibn Abjar, who was contemporary with Prophet Muhammad embraced Islam, became a good Muslim and was counted as a grand Companion of Prophet Muhammad though he did not migrate to Medina or even meet Prophet Muhammad. Munro-Hay quotes W.R.O. Entering Makkah in such a situation was nothing less than suicide. After that, the Prophet walked right into Makkah, flanked from all sides by Mutim and his sons, all carrying weapons. The migrants were shocked to see the two Makkah leaders sitting on either sides of Najashi. And I invite you, Oh Najashi to believe in the one God without a partner, to worship God and obey Him and to follow me and to follow my religion. A validation e-mail has been sent to your e-mail address. and he reported the sixth in bab al-janaaiz (Chapter of funeral prayers). Al-Najashi asked Jafar: Do you have anything with you that was revealed to your Prophet by Allah? Jafar replied: Yes. Al-Najashi said: Then recite it to me. Jafar recited for him the first portion of Surah Maryam which describes the story of Jesus and his mother Mary. We do have Hadiths that when he died, the Prophet actually prayed for him. When Najashi died, Prophet Muhammad and the companions prayed funeral (in absentia) over him. He says, my son will serve you. Now, when Ja'far came back to Madinah, we will examine that later when we talk about the events of Madinah. [556] Shaikh Al-Albani mentioned that it is reported by Ibn Hisham in his abridgement of Ibn Ishaqs Seerah (1/363-364), and by Abu Nuaym in Ad-Dalail (Page.81-84), and that its chain of narration is Hasan. - Our Prophet 5 - Road To Medina, Did Abu Bakr Donate His Camels For Hijrah (Migration)? The story ends up with the conclusion that Jesus was not the son of Allah nor Mary was the wife of God, but Mary and Jesus were both humans. An-Najashi, the king of Ethiopia at the time of the Prophet of Allaah (Sallallahu 'alayhi wa salam). Unrecognized Email or Password, please try again. They take the story of an-Najashi - whose death the Messenger announced to the Sahabah the day he died and then prayed Salatul. What thoughts come to our mind? To Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)? [Mohammed Thajammul Husaain Manna:] This entire chapter and its footnotes have been taken from the referenced source with slight linguistic adaptation. - Our Prophet 4 - Struggles In Mecca, Why Was Medina More Open To Islam? Now, what happened to the fate of Najashi? Jafar said that Jesus was a word from Allah through Maryam and she was a chaste woman. the Kabah), for indeed, I have granted my protection to Muhammad.. So they took him away, and put him in the market place; and they sold him as a slave to a trader from the traders who threw him into a ship, having bought him for 600 or 700 Dirhams. Hahn as suggesting that this is an allusion to the Holy Sepulchre, as a reference to the Persian capture of Jerusalem in 614. Shaikh Al-Albani also weakened it in Sunan Abi Dawud, 2523. So get up and offer the funeral prayer for your brother Ashama. Related by Al-Bukhari. So that is the ending, you know, with Najashi. So the people said: "Rather we will give him his money.". They went straight to the Kabah, and Mutim called out from on top of his mount: O people of Quraysh, I have indeed granted my protection to Muhammad, so let no one among you make a move to harm him., The Prophet Muhammad prayed two rakahs and then Mutim and his children escorted him to his house. Along the way they meet the prophets Adam, Yay (John), s (Jesus), Ysuf (Joseph), Idrs, Hrn (Aaron), Ms . He believed in the message of the Prophet. An-Najashi remained on his faith until he died and angel Jibril (peace be upon him) came to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and told him with An-Najashi's death so the Prophet offered the funeral prayer on him. There was not a single one that had any good in him. So, Najashi was this just king who gave refuge to the Muslims. Either you follow me, Allah will save you, your world is good, your hereafter will be good. that he died, as indicated by the wording of the six ahadith in Bukhari, which he reported about his death. Sir alam al-nabla. So they went searching for him. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. what makes muscle tissue different from other tissues? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". He did Salat on him, meaning he prayed for him and he asked Allah, Subhana wa Ta'ala, to forgive him. Najashi later became a Muslim. And the Prophet (peace be upon him) said about him: Mukhairiq is the best of the Jews. (Dhahabi 424). Library.slamweb.net. And these are the people of the Book. An-Najashi later replied to the letter declaring his belief in Islam. Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *. Do clownfish have a skeleton or exoskeleton. The Islamic story of the birth of Jesus has been told to us in Quran.One day, Maryam saw a good looking man approaching her. century A.D. until the 1970s, with some periods of disunity . Also- In the original article the brother Ustadh Abu Talhah Dawud mentioned that Shaikh Al-Albani classified the Hadith about light emanating from the grave of An-Najashi as Hasan (good), but I mentioned here that the said narration in Daif (Weak) according to what I got from Shaikh Al-Albani, who said that the narration has some defect because of Muhammad bin Ishaq. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. He tells the group of Muslims who are there, he tells them there is an uprising. Messenger informed them of it. Oh, would that I had died before this and had become a thing of naught, forgotten! Let us look at what Prophet Muhammad saw in three non-Muslims of his generation, and then try to answer these questions in light of these stories. Al-Najashi then sent for the Muslims asking them to come to him. Abdullah Ibn Abi Rabia and Amr Ibn Al-Aas then presented Al-Najashi with their gifts, which he accepted. Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project 1995-2023. It also indicates that the Sahabah did not, know of his embracing of Islam and his death, except when the. He secretly embcraced Islam and no one, knew of his conversion, not even the Messenger . It is a beautiful letter, we actually have the text of that letter. So the people quickly went to his children, but they found that they were stupid people. hadith. Sword or the true message? When the Najashi heard it, he wept and exclaimed: Verily, this (Quran) and what Isa brought (Gospel) has come from the same source of light. - Our Prophet 5 - Road To Medina, Building Masjid An-Nabawi - The Headquarters of Islam - Our Prophet 6 - Foundations Of Islamic State, Building Masjid An-Nabawi: The Fight Between Uthman and Ammar - Our Prophet 6 - Foundations Of Islamic State, The Prophet's Prayers for Medina and Al-Baraa ibn Maroor - Our Prophet 6 - Foundations Of Islamic State, Al-Muakhaat: Brotherhood Between Ansar and Muhajirun - Our Prophet 6 - Foundations Of Islamic State, Al-Muakhaat:Who Was Prophet's Brother? of the Hijrah, as mentioned by al-Bayhaqi in his Dalaail an-Nubuwwah. 5 January 2021 Ethiopian civil war Social media Locals believe the al-Nejashi Mosque is the oldest in Africa The Ethiopian government has promised to repair a centuries-old mosque that was damaged. Sitting with the Scholars - Shaykh AbdulSalaam Ash-Shuway'ir, The Characteristics of the Saved Sect Sheikh Salim Al-Taweel, What should one memorise after Al-Fatihah - Shaykh Salih Al Usaymee , The Harms of Social Media - Shaykh Salih Al-Usaymi, Authentic Seerah (Biography of Prophet Mohammad ), Marital Intimacy according to the Pure Sunnah, Book: The Biography of Prophet Mohammad () by Mohammad Thajammul Hussain Manna, Istighfar & Tawbah (Forgiveness & Repentance), Dua after last tashahhud and before salam, Greed | Stinginess | Miserliness (Al-Bukhl), A DHIKR (REMEMBRANCE) OF ALLAH WHICH IS GREATER THAN ANY DHIKR BY DAY AND NIGHT, COMPLETE AUTHENTIC ADHKAR (REMEMBRANCES) AFTER EVERY OBLIGATORY PRAYER, DUA UPON SEEING SOMEONE AFFLICTED BY A ILLNESS OR DISABILITY OR ONE WHO IS AWAY FROM ALLAH AND HIS DEEN (RELIGION), DUA TO MEND RELATIONSHIPS, BLESSINGS IN LIFE, FORGIVENESS, PROTECTION FROM OBSCENITIES, DUA FOR BEING GRATEFUL TO ALLAH, GUIDANCE TO GOOD DEEDS, RIGHTEOUS CHILDREN, SEEKING FORGIVENESS, DUA WHEN AFFLICTED WITH ILLNESS, DISTRESS, ADVERSITY | DUA OF AYYUB ( ), DUA SEEKING THE BOUNTIES AND FAVOUR OF ALLAH | DUA FOR SUSTENANCE AND WHEN IN HUNGER, Follow Precious Gems from the Quran and Sunnah on WordPress.com. He tells him, everything you have written, I believe in. Muslim, and the narration of Umm Salamah in her talk about Najashi, and the Muhajireen in Habashah, of whom the last was Jafar, who did, not mention that an-Najashi embraced Islam, though Jafar returned to, the Rasool in the seventh year, after the conquest of Khaybar, and. He replied without any hesitation, O King! - Our Prophet 5 - Road To Medina, Tala al-Badru Alayna: The First Nasheed of Islam - Our Prophet 5 - Road To Medina, Examining The Strange Narration on Omar's Migration - Our Prophet 5 - Road To Medina, Abdullah Ibn Ubayy & The Hypocrites of Medina - Our Prophet 5 - Road To Medina, Was There Any Hypocrite Within Meccan Muslims (Muhajireen)? [5], Najashi was raised as a Christian. Narrated Jabir, may Allah be pleased with him: "When An-Najashi died, the Prophet said: 'A righteous man has died today. The Muslims in Makkah are being persecuted, imprisoned and tortured. Darussalam Publishers, eDarussalam.com. As, for the second letter, it was mentioned that the Najashi sent it with the. Also- In the original article the brother Ustadh Abu Talhah Dawud mentioned that Shaikh Al-Albani classified the Hadith about light emanating from the grave of An-Najashi as Hasan (good), but I mentioned here that the said narration in Daif (Weak) according to what I got from Shaikh Al-Albani, who said that the narration has some defect because of Muhammad bin Ishaq. [7], For the Twelver Shi'ite rijl scholar (c.9821058), see, "Najashi: The king who supported Muslim emigrants", Muslim Emigrants & Quraysh in Courtroom of Negus (The Message Movie Scene), Ethiopian Christian King saves Muslim Captives, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Najashi&oldid=1138001508, This page was last edited on 7 February 2023, at 14:10. First a few of the Muslims, and later a bigger group (83 men and 19 women), migrated to Abyssinia, seeking asylum. [555] This is the same one, An-Najashi, who sent a message to the Prophet to say that he had accepted Islam; and he died upon Islam. Only one man answered his call Mutim ibn Adi, a Qurayshi disbeliever. Please enter the correct OTP! It was a very critical moment. Years later, after the Battle of Badr, the victorious Muslims had captured many prisoners of war from the Quraysh. For this reason, our people have risen against us and have persecuted us in order to make us forsake the worship of Allah and return to the worship of idols and other abominations. The Najashi who embraced Islam had taken power in the seventh year. God created Jesus from his own soul and He blew into him from His spirit, just as He created Adam. What else do you want? He died during the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad . Companion e.g. Then he (Ashuma bin Abjar) departed with him (the trader).Then when it was the evening of that same day some clouds from the autumn clouds appeared. What Non-Muslim Thinkers Say About Prophet Muhammad? If he had embraced Islam, then it would have been a cause, for reverbation and celebration amongst the Muslims, especially after the conquest of Khaybar. 'Min Muhammadin Rasul Allah, ila al-Najashi al As-ham Malik al-Habasha'-' From the Messenger of God to Najashi. King tut ruled for only 9 years before he died unexpectedly. Najashi to whom the Rasool sent the letter inviting him to Islam. However, as you know, I have obligations here as a king. She feared his presence and sought refuge from Allah. Najashi allowed them to stay like the citizens of his country and not just refugees. So they attacked (the king) and killed him, and they made his brother king.So then An-Najashi entered upon his uncle, and he impressed him so much that he consulted nobody else besides him, and he was found to be a person of intellect and firm resolve.So when the rest of the Abyssinians saw the status which he now had with his uncle they said: This boy has got the better of his uncle now, so we do not feel safe that he will not make him king over us (after himself), and he knows that we have killed his father. Dhahabi quotes ibn Ishaqs version of the story of Mukhayriq. The proof that may be. When was Najashi died? Therefore, Prophet Muhammad performed the funeral prayer on him in absentia, and called him a righteous man, as seen in the following narrations: : ( ). He also sent gifts to the Prophet (SAWS) along with the letter. If they are like what these two men have said, then I will hand them over to them. He then turned to Jafar and his group and said: Youre welcome; Your Prophet is welcome. He did not respond and did not embrace, Islam, because if he had responded and embraced Islam, the Messenger, would have informed the Sahabah of this and prayed for him, and, Jafar b. Abi Taalib and the immigrants would have known about his, conversion. These men and women received such blessingsbecause of their sincerity, struggle, and sacrifice for the truth. This was because the story, related to his embrace of Islam was not proved to him, while it is explicit, in his death. He asked Jafar: Do you have with you something of what your Prophet has brought from God? He should have added: Or by the conversion of Najashi. But he did not mention Najashi in this, hadith, even though the situation would have necessitated it, if he had. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. that he is working to destroy it. He ordered us to flee from the vices and to abstain from evil, to offer prayers, to render alms, and to observe fasts. Najashi stood up for Allahs words and he picked up a small leaf and said: "Stop!Certainly this (Quran) and what Jesus had brought (Injeel) come out of one source (from Allah ) and it is exactly what is mentioned in our Torah and Injeel. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. To shatter this racist idea that Arabs had. From another angle, it is as if those who say, that the Najashi for whom the Messenger prayed is the same Najashi to, whom the Messenger dispatched the Muhajireen, and the Najashi to, whom a letter was sent inviting him to Islam; it is as if they are not, familiar with the hadith of Anas b. Malik, which was reported by Muslim, That the Prophet wrote to the Kisra, Qaysar, Najashi and, every tyrant inviting them to Allah . He is also not the, same Najashi to whom the Rasool sent a letter to, inviting him to, Islam, between the end of the sixth year of Hijrah and the beginning of, the seventh year, with Amru b. Umayyah ad-Damri. Or if you want to be stubborn and reject me, God will punish you. Amr bin al-A'as was not yet a Muslim and he was a very sharp orator and a smart analyst. He ordered us to worship Allah alone and not to associate anything with Him, to establish the prayer, to give Zakah and to fast the month of Ramadan (he mentioned all pillars of Islam). Especially, when that proof is in conflict with the Sharee evidences, which are, It is indeed a severe test and a great sin, for the dawah carrier to resort, to taking a maslahah (interest), which his mind deduces, but the Shara, did not consider, as an evidence to justify for himself his opposition to, the text that is definite in meaning and authenticity. So they attacked (the king) and killed him, and they made his brother king. Enter valid first name and last name with at least one space. If not, then I am sending my own son. Such was the impact of truthful and simple invitation of Islam. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Darussalam Publishers, eDarussalam.com. And he sends his son to the Prophet, salla Allahu 'alayhi wa alihi. - Our Prophet 6 - Foundations Of Islamic State, What Made The Charter of Medina Unique? Hes my brother in humanity, and a potential Muslim. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. When the Kings message reached them, they gathered and consulted with one another, asking: What shall you say to the King when you stand before him? Others replied: By Allah, we shall say what we know of the truth and of the commandments of our Prophet , no matter what. When the Companions of the Prophet went to the court of Al-Najashi, they found that he had called his bishops who were seated around him with their Scriptures open before them to ask the Muslims about their beliefs. What are the disadvantages of shielding a thermometer? According to Islamic sources, Jafar ibn Abi Talib told Najashi about the persecution they had faced at the hands of the Quraysh. All six ahadith are to do with the death of an-Najashi, the Messengers , informing of the Sahabah about his death, that he was a pious man, and, he was their brother, then he ordered them to ask Allah to forgive, him, and to pray with him the funeral prayer for an-Najashi. So his uncle went out to enjoy the rain, but he was struck by a lightening bolt which killed him. Then Allah raised amongst us a man, of whose birth, truthfulness, honesty, and purity we were all aware- and he called us to the Oneness of Allah and taught us not to associate anything with Him. Bishops coming to his mosque, he gets up with his own hands, he serves them. Malik, Ibn 'Abbas, and Qatadah that when al-Najashi died, Gabriel announced his death to the Prophet on the same day. Now, Najashi dies when the Prophet, sallal Allahu 'alayhi wa alihi, was in Madinah. 'Abdullaah ibn Khalaf, The, wording indicates that the Messenger came to know of his death and, embracing of Islam through revelation on the day he died, as mentioned, before. Despite the Arabs being so racist, anti-African, you would imagine, why would any of those Africans become Muslim? The duo delegation of Makkah saw that the ruler was getting impressed by the words of Muslims, so they hurried with new instigation saying, Please do not get carried away by their words. We knew no law but that of the strong. So get up and offer the funeral prayer for your brother Ashama.' " Related by Al-Bukhari. and prohibit ruling by other than what Allah has revealed. So stand and pray for your brother Ashimah. In. Al-Dhahabi, Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Uthman. They were sent with the Makkan leather products as gifts for the ruler of Abyssinia to persuade the ruler to allow them to bring back the newly convert Muslims. The Jews of Madinah had a treaty with the Muslims to defend them if Madinah was attacked. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". They returned to the Messenger in the seventh year, after, the conquest of Makkah ie after the Messenger had sent the letter to, the Najashi. By the way, when he gave refuge to Muslims and he signaled his belief in what the Prophet taught to Muslims. So if you have any concern for the affair of the Abyssinians, then go and get him before he leaves.So they went searching for him. - Our Prophet 6 - Foundations Of Islamic State, History of Sawm (Fasting): Did Muslims Fast in Mecca? This is because he did not use such expressions when. It was because of acts like these, because of people like Ja'far, who really sacrificed for the sake of Allah. The Politics & Fiqh of Political Participation, Did the Rasool (saw) accept the Najashi, who had embraced Islam, to rule by the law of kufr? But our people persecuted us, so they subjected us to all kinds of torture to make us recant our faith and return to the worship of idols and the previous condition of immorality. If you regularly visit this site and wish to show your appreciation, or if you wish to see further development of Al-Islam.org, please donate online. When he heard that the Prophet was asking for his protection, he immediately sent a positive answer. 4 These ahadith indicate that the Najashi had embraced Islam shortly, before his death, but they did not explain when he embraced Islam. Like Ja'far Ibn Abi Talib, when did he leave Habasha? Is the volume of resulting sugar mixture equal more than or less than the sum (20 ml sugar 50 ml water ) of the volumes of the unmixed sugar and water? They gather all the reports like the one, who gathers wood at night, he does not know whether his hand is falling, upon a branch or a snake. Rajab or Ramadan? So either you kill him, or you banish him from our land.He (the uncle) said, Woe to you, you killed his father yesterday, and now I have to kill him today! The Journey of Islamic Faith began with Perfecting of the Character. The Messengers saying to. Rather he is the Najashi who came to power after the death of the, Najashi to whom the Prophet sent a letter with Amr b. Umayyah ad-, Damri inviting him to Islam. He went out with us to the prayer site and we aligned in rows behind him. Id like to know about this person. We worshiped Allah alone without associating any partners with Him, we avoided what has Allah has forbidden for us and did what He allowed us to do. But what then are the correct answers? After the companions left Abyssinia for Al-Madinah, 300-115 An-Najashi passed away. So the people quickly went to his children, but they found that they were stupid people. Janazah for him - as an evidence to justify participation in a kufr rule. For by God, I would not like to have a mountain of gold while anyone of you should come to any harm. Al-Najashi then said: Return these two mens gifts for I have no need of them. I do not find anything wrong in these verses and I declare that he is the Messenger of Allah and he is the same prophet which Jesus has given the glad tidings of his arrival. Now lets go back a decade. The two Makkah leaders were happy to note that Jafar was speaking quite contrary to the normal Christian beliefs while the Muslims sat down fearing the outcome of the court ruling. When they subdued and oppressed us, made miserable our lives, and prevented us from practicing our religion, we sought refuge in your land, choosing you over others, desiring your protection and hoping to live in justice and peace under your rule, O King..

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when najashi died